
VI Ecosocialist Meeting

Towards the VI International Ecosocialist Meeting

Maria Elena Saludas — On 9, 10 and 11 May 2024, the VI International Ecosocialist Meeting and the I Latin American and Caribbean Ecosocialist Meeting will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Global crisis, conflict and war: What internationalism for the 21st century?

Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.
Marx in the Anthropocene. Towards the Idea of Degrowth communism

Marx, communism and degrowth: On Kohei Saito’s ‘Marx in the Anthropocene’

Daniel Tanuro — In ‘Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism’, Kohei Saito showed how the mature Marx had broken with productivism. His new book, ‘Marx in the Anthropocene’, continues the reflection.
Mariana Riscali

Ecosocialism, internationalism and fighting the far-right in Brazil: An interview with Mariana Riscali (MES/PSOL)

Mariana Riscali looks at the state of Brazil’s far right, as well as the country’s trade unions and social movements, and outlines MES’ views on parliamentary work, ecosocialism and internationalism.

A year on, that’s still right. London demonstration, November 2022. Photo by Steve Eason

Defining ecosocialism

Simon Pirani — Making ecosocialism a reality is a huge, many-sided collective task.
planet over profit

Global Ecosocialist Network on COP28: We need to challenge the power of fossil fuel capitalism

The challenge remains to build a people’s climate movement strong enough to challenge the power of fossil fuel capitalism and link up with other social movements to fight for an ecosocialist future.
Greenwash detected

Green Capitalism — Don’t believe the hype!

Marty Hart-Landsberg — If we want a sustainable and equitable economic system, we are going to have to overcome capitalist imperatives and develop the organizations and institutions that will allow us to directly build it.
kohei saito book

How Green was Karl Marx? On Kohei Saito and the Anthropocene

David Black reviews Kohei Saito’s 'Marx in the Anthropocene'.
planet earth first

Degrowth: How anti-worker would it be?

Don Fitz — Many of the accusations against degrowth have been answered. But one accusation still seems to lack an adequate response: Is the US working class inherently anti-degrowth because it would mean a massive loss of jobs?
degrowth protest

Nine theses on ecosocialist degrowth

Michael Löwy — The ecological crisis is already the most important social and political question of the twenty-first century, and will become even more so in the coming months and years. The future of the planet, and thus of humanity, will be decided in the coming decades.
Green Marx

Discovering a Green Marx: Kohei Saito’s 'Marx in the Anthropocene'

Ryan Moore — The days when Karl Marx’s ideas were assumed to be incompatible with environmentalism and in need of greening are thankfully past, thanks in no small part to Kohei Saito’s contributions.