Borotba (Ukraine)

A class analysis of the Ukrainian crisis

US Republican and Democrat politicians on the stage at the Maidan Square.

More on Ukraine HERE.

By Viktor Shapinov, translated from the Ukrainian website Liva (The Left), translated by Renfrey Clarke for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

June 13, 2014 -- The social and class origins of the Ukrainian crisis have not been well researched. Attention has been focused mainly on the political side of events, and their socio-economic basis has been allowed to drop from sight. What were the class forces behind the overthrow of the Yanukovich regime, the installing of a new regime in Kiev, and the rise of the anti-Maidan and of the movement in the south-east?

Borotba on Ukraine: ‘An alarm bell for pro-democracy and anti-fascist forces’

Ukrainian Svoboda (freedom) party members carry portraits of

Ukraine: 'Socialist prospects in south-eastern Ukraine'

Links International Journal of Socialis

Ukraine: A call for solidarity against the neo-fascist violence of 'Black Friday'

House of Trade Unions under attack in Odessa on May 2, 2014.