Greens (France)

New Popular Front France

France: Between fascism and the New Popular Front

Nessim Achouche — French president Emmanuel Macron’s unexpected gamble has unleashed a new, dynamic mobilization on the left.
EU elections in France

EU elections in France: A test run for 2027?

William Bouchardon — How French voters turn out in the European elections next month could have major domestic implications.

France: Front de Gauche calls huge march against austerity, for democratic renewal

Jean-Luc Mélenchon addresses the May 5, 2013, mobilisation in Paris. Part 2 below.

French politics after the fall of Sarkozy

A young supporter of the Front de Gauche (Left Front).

France: Front de Gauche's Jean-Luc Melenchon shakes up presidential poll

On March 18, the 141st anniversary of the Paris Commune, organisers were expecting 20,000 to 30,000 to show u