
white civilisation

Colonization and surplus: The origins of race and class

Zara Jemuel — Capitalism’s white supremacist roots run as deep as its colonial origins.
Jewish whitening

The whitening of European Jews and the misuse of holocaust memory

Gilbert Achcar — Jewish assimilation into white members of “Judeo-Christian” society in the aftermath of the Holocaust was reliant on placidly accepting their equation with Zionism and Israel’s racist violence against Arab Muslims.
Assa Traoré

France: Anti-police uprising of marginalized youth hurls challenge to the entire social order

Kevin B. Anderson — After a racist police murder, an uprising of France’s marginalized youth has targeted the state apparatus in an unprecedented ways, exposing the race/class faultlines of modern capitalism.

Class, gender, race & colonialism: the ‘intersectionality’ of Marx

By Kevin B. Anderson

March 5, 2021 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from MROnline — It is clear today that the emancipation of labour from capitalist alienation and exploitation is a task that still confronts us. Marx’s concept of the worker is not limited to European white males, but includes Irish and Black super-exploited and therefore doubly revolutionary workers, as well as women of all races and nations. But, his research and his concept of revolution go further, incorporating a wide range of agrarian non-capitalist societies of his time, from India to Russia and from Algeria to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, often emphasising their gender relations. In his last, still partially unpublished writings, he turns his gaze Eastward and Southward. In these regions outside Western Europe, he finds important revolutionary possibilities among peasants and their ancient communistic social structures, even as these are being undermined by their formal subsumption under the rule of capital. In his last published text, he envisions an alliance between these non-working-class strata and the Western European working class.

Race, class and socialist strategy

By Jeremy Gong and Eric Blanc September 7, 2018&nb

South Korea's ugly refugee phobia

By Youngsu Won August 1, 2018
Links International Journal of Socialist RenewalThe historical candlelight movement of 2016-17 finally turned South Korea from one of the most reactionary anti-communist regimes into a normal democracy. However, the recent debate over Yemenis refugees revealed the naked face of deep-seated racism of many Koreans.

‘No racism here’: Modern Turkey and the question of race and national identity

Fenerbahçe fans pointing bananas to Galatasaray players

Confronting racism is key to realising working class unity and power


By Mike Treen 

February 9, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Working people need to confront racism, sexism and anti-immigrant prejudice if we are to be successful in uniting our class sufficiently to take on the huge power of the one percent – the super-rich owners of most productive wealth in society.

Cops, class & race: How to stop police violence

July 22, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- A discussion about the origins of the police and their relationship to racism, class and capitalism featuring Dr. Khury Petersen-Smith.