(Updated June 21) Support for Palestinian unions' call for international unions to ban Israeli trade and ships

Palestinian trade union movement calls on international dockworkers' unions to block loading/offloading Israeli ships until Israel complies fully with international law and ends its illegal siege of Gaza

By the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee, Palestine

June 7, 2010 – The Palestinian trade union movement, as a key constituent member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) calls on dockworkers' unions worldwide to block Israeli maritime trade in response to Israel’s massacre of humanitarian relief workers and activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla, until Israel complies with international law and ends its illegal blockade of Gaza.

Drunk with power and impunity, Israel has ignored recent appeals by the UN secretary general as well as a near consensus among world governments to end its siege, putting the onus on international civil society to shoulder the moral responsibility of holding Israel accountable to international law and ending its criminal impunity. Dockworkers around the world have historically contributed to the struggle against injustice, most notably against the apartheid regime in South Africa, when port workers' unions refused to load/offload cargo on/from South African ships as a most effective way of protesting the apartheid regime.

Today, we ask you to join the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), which resolved not to offload Israeli ships in Durban in February 2009 in protest of Israel’s war of aggression on Gaza, and the Swedish Dockworkers Union which resolved to blockade all Israeli ships and cargo to and from Israel in protest of Israel's attack against the Freedom Flotilla and the ongoing deadly Israeli siege of the occupied Gaza Strip.

Israel’s ongoing blockade of essential food, health, educational and construction supplies is not only immoral; it is a severe form of collective punishment, a war crime that is strictly prohibited under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, that is inducing mass poverty, water contamination, environmental collapse, chronic diseases, economic devastation and hundreds of deaths. This three-year old medieval siege against 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, has been squarely condemned by leading legal experts, including UN special rapporteur on human rights, Prof. Richard Falk, who described it as constituting "slow genocide".

Israel's deplorable attacks on the unarmed ships are a violation of both international maritime law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which states that "the high seas should be reserved for peaceful purposes". Under article 3 of the Rome Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988, it is an international crime for any person to seize or exercise control over a ship by force, and also a crime to injure or kill any person in the process. As prominent international law scholars have recently confirmed, there is absolutely no legal justification for Israel's act of aggression against international civilian ships carrying humanitarian and developmental aid to civilians suffering under occupation and a patently illegal blockade, which has created a man-made and deliberately sustained humanitarian catastrophe. Our response must be commensurate with this crisis.

Gaza today has become the test of our universal morality and our common humanity. During the South African anti-apartheid struggle, the world was inspired by the brave and principled actions of dockworkers unions who refused to handle South African cargo, contributing significantly to the ultimate fall of apartheid. Today, we call on you, dockworkers unions of the world, to do the same against Israel's occupation and apartheid. This is the most effective form of solidarity to end injustice and uphold universal human rights.


Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU)

General Union of Palestinian Workers (GUPW)

Federation of Independent Trade Unions (IFU)

Palestinian Professionals Association **

Youth Workers Movement (Fatah)

Central Office for the Workers Movement (Fatah)

Progressive Workers Block

Workers Unity Block

Workers Struggle Block

Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE) – part of IFU

Workers Liberation Front

Labor Front Block

Workers Solidarity Organization

Workers Struggle Organization

** Includes the national syndicates of engineers, agricultural engineers, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, lawyers and veterinarians.

Solidarity with the Palestinian people: Three-day strike against Israel commercial vessels

June 8, 2010

Dear colleagues, trade unionists and workers,

The Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions has today decided to call a strike for three days at all ports of the world against Israel commercial vessels to or from Israel.

We call on all naval workers, dock workers and all workers and all unions in the ports to refuse to load or unload ships coming from for heading for Israel.

The TUI Transport of the WFTU is at the forefront of this strike. This action is a practical demonstration of the militant solidarity with the Palestinian People. This is a proof of militant solidarity against the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

In this way we express our demand for an independent and democratic Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Furthermore, we demand the immediate lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

We condemn the killings of nine Turkish activists and once again we express our sincere condolences to their families.

The world working class watches with dismay the tactics of the UN and the hypocrisy of the European Union. At the same time, we are aware of the inter-capitalist competition and the dangers it creates for the peace in the region of southeast Mediterranean.

Moreover, it is clear that the Israeli government could not carry out these crimes with impunity without the support and encourage of the U.S. and its allies.

Colleagues, trade union leaders at the ports of the world, no one must remain silent! No one must remain neutral! We must act now because we are all Palestinians!

You decide the dates in the month of June for the three days of strike-boycott against the Israel policy. You choose the best way to react, the best way of showing solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Palestinian People. Let´s all act now.

Stop the blockade of Gaza now! Free, independent and democratic Palestinian state!

Messages of solidarity: General Union of Palestinian Workers e-mail: mohammed_yahya2007@yahoo.com;

TUI Transport e-mail: info@tui-transport.org;

WFTU e-mail: info@wftucentral.org

40, Zan Moreas street, Athens 11745 GREECE

Tel. +302109214417, +302109236700, Fax +30210 9214517


E-mails: info@wftucentral.org, international@wftucentral.org

Norwegian Ports Union boycotts Israeli ships

June 13, 2010 – International MiddleEast Media Center – Responding to calls by the Palestinian Workers Union and other calls by different workers unions and organisations around the world, the Norwegian Ports Union decided to join its Swedish counterpart in boycotting all Israeli ships starting on June 15.


The workers will not be loading or unloading Israeli ships docking in their ports. Polls in Norway revealed that nearly half of the Norwegians support this act.

The Port Workers Union in Norway said that the boycott would be for two weeks, while the Swedish boycott would continue until June 24.

The Palestinian workers' unions appealed to Arab, regional and international workers union to take serious stances against the Israeli violations, and its deadly attack against the Freedom Flotilla leading to dozens of casualties among non-violent international activists transporting aid supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Furthermore, the port workers' union in South Africa, which is an affiliate with the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), also joined the calls for a boycott of Israel.

Workers unions in Palestine welcomed the stance of Norwegian, Swedish, Greek, British, Canadian and South African unions in rejecting and denouncing the Israeli attack against the Palestinians and the activists, and the ongoing illegal Israeli siege on Gaza.

United States: Victory – Israeli ship blocked from unloading at Oakland Port

June 20, 2010 – ANSWER – In a historic action and unprecedented action today, more 800 worker and community activists blocked the gates of the Oakland docks in the early morning hours, prompting longshore workers to refuse to cross the picketlines where they were scheduled to unload an Israeli ship.

From 5:30 am to 9:30 am, a militant and spirited protest was held in front of four gates of the Stevedore Services of America, with people chanting non-stop, “Free, free Palestine, don’t cross the picket line” and “An injury to one is an injury to all, bring down the apartheid wall".

Citing the health and safety provisions of their contract, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union workers refused to cross the picketline to report for duty.

Between 8:30 am and 9:00 am, an emergency arbitration was conducted at the Maersk parking lot nearby, with an “instant” arbitrator called to the site to rule on whether the workers could refuse to cross the picketline without disciplinary measure.

At 9:15 a.m, after again reviewing the protests of hundreds at each gate, the arbitrator ruled in favour of the union that it was indeed unsafe for the workers to enter the docks.

To loud cheers of “Long live Palestine!” Jess Ghannam of Free Palestine Alliance and Richard Becker of the ANSWER Coalition announced the victory. Ghannam said, “This is truly historic, never before has an Israeli ship been blocked in the United States!”

The news that a container ship from the Zim Israeli shipping line was scheduled to arrive in the Bay Area today has sparked a tremendous outpouring of solidarity for Palestine, especially in the aftermath of the Israeli massacre of volunteers bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza on May 31.

With 10 days advance notice of the ship’s arrival, the emergency Labor/Community Committee in Solidarity with the Palestinian People was set up. On June 16, some 110 people from unions and community came to help organise logistics, outreach and community support. Initiating organisations included the Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the ANSWER Coalition, the Bay Area Labor Chapter of USLAW and the Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice.

This week the San Francisco Labor Council and Alameda Labor Council passed resounding resolutions denouncing Israel’s blockade of Gaza. Both councils sent out public notices of the dock action.

The ILWU has a proud history of extending its solidarity to struggling peoples the world over. In 1984, as the Black masses of South Africa were engaged in an intense struggle against South African apartheid, the ILWU refused for a record-setting 10 days to unload cargo from the South African Ned Lloyd ship. Despite million-dollar fines imposed on the union, the longshore workers held strong, providing a tremendous boost to the anti-apartheid movement.

Today’s Oakland action, in the sixth largest port in the United States, is the first of several protests and work stoppages planned around the world, including Norway, Sweden and South Africa. It is sure to inspire others to do the same.

The goal is for a 24-hour shutdown of the docks where the Israeli ship is docked, so the protest is planned again for 4:30 pm. Click here for details of the 4:30 pm. protest.


Resolution of Geelong Trades Hall Council - 8 June 2010

In view of the 31 May 2010 unprovoked attack by the Israeli Government military units and the murder of 9 peace activists who were part of the group seeking to deliver aid to Gaza, Geelong Trades Hall Council calls on the Rudd government to immediately:

1. Condemn the Israeli government and military for this attack on a peace flotilla in international waters

2. Demand Israel lift the siege of Gaza, and allow the direct delivery of urgent medical supplies

3. Demand that the US stop military aid to Israel

4. Recogise the democratically elected and therefore legitimate Hamas government of Gaza

5. Support the Palestinian and their supporters in emergency protests which are taking across the country today and into the future.

6. Endorses the call by the CFMEU for a “boycott of products and goods produced in illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”.

7. Joins with local and international unionists to demand that Israel immediately lift its illegal blockade of the Occupied Palestinian Territories and commends the decision and courage of those involved with the international humanitarian effort to continue to transport aid to the occupied territories. In doing so we call on the international community to take whatever measures may be necessary to ensure the safe passage of these humanitarian missions.

8. Demands that military aid and cooperation with Israel be suspended until such time as it lifts its blockade and ends its occupation of Palestinian Territories as required by UN resolutions.

Furthermore, we call on the VTHC and the ACTU, to endorse the action proposed by the CFMEU and to join the Global BDS movement against Israel.



On 9 July 2010, the fifth anniversary of the civil society BDS call, an alliance of Basque trade unions and organisations has issued a BDS manifesto. 

The text of the manifesto reads:

Background: Israeli colonial occupation of Palestine and the Global Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

In the words of Nelson Mandela, to justice for the Palestinian people
has become “the greatest moral case of our time.” Israel’s brutal siege
of Gaza represents today the most critical and urgent of all Israeli
injustices against the Palestinian people that is manifested in the
form of countless violations of Human Rights and International
Humanitarian Law.

Palestinian civil society, through the Palestinian National Committee
(PNC) of the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions has called on all people of conscience and civil society organizations worldwide to promote the BDS campaign against Israel. Inspired by the boycott campaign against apartheid South Africa, this initiative is considered the most effective means of ending colonial occupation and apartheid in Palestine and take Israel with its responsibility under international law in seeking a just peace.

The BDS campaign is a peaceful initiative led since 2005 by civil
society organizations, political parties and trade unions representing
the Palestinian people, and is supported by a worldwide network of
entities that make up the movement of solidarity with the Palestinian

BDS Campaign Calls for Global Action to establish measures to
pressure Israel and to prevent economic, political and business
relations with a state that violates international law and violates the
UN resolutions. This civic initiative is most needed, and if possible
approach the European Union and its member states who remain
indifferent to the repeated violation of human rights, civic and
political rights of the Arab population of Palestine.

Therefore, the BDS campaign demand the world to boycott Israel, its
institutions and enterprises, and also to withdraw their investments in
companies that benefit from the occupation or denial of the rights of
the refugee population.


Given the call by the NPC to commemorate the July 9, 2010, the fifth
anniversary of the founding of the movement of BDS and the sixth
anniversary of the ruling of the International Court of Justice which
provides that Israel must dismantle its illegal wall and its colonial
occupation regime in Palestine.

Since all forms of international intervention so far have failed in
their attempt to make Israel comply with the international law or to
put an end to the repression on the Palestinians; the repression that
manifests itself in many different ways (sieges, indiscriminate
killings, willful destruction and the racist colonial wall, …etc.).

On the basis of unity between the trade unions with regard to Basque
solidarity with the Palestinian people, a fact that has manifested
itself in calls unit as the manifestation of January 24, 2009 to
denounce the Israeli attack on Gaza and concentration 3 June 2010 to
reprimand military cooperation and arms of the Spanish State with the
Israeli army.

Statement of support

In agreement with
the tradition of Basque trade unions struggle for justice, equality
and human rights by means of this document ELA Basque trade
public their commitment to the Campaign BDS (Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions) against the State of Israel, and agree not to collaborate
with the policy of apartheid in Palestine and the illegal occupation in
their territories.

Also, the Basque unions agreed to denounce publicly all those
Basque institutions and companies that give a priority to their
economic and political interests at the expense of the rights of the
Palestinian people, or those work or legitimize the colonial
occupation of Palestine.

Basque trade unions have decided to join this campaign because it relies on the
defense of human rights as universal, indivisible and interdependent
(Article 30 of its statement) and it is a civil means to change
situations of injustice and institutional violence and move toward
justice and peace.

Considered as a legitimate tool, the Global Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions against the State of Israel will continue until Israel
complies with international law as it should in respect of:

  • Ending of the
    military occupation of Palestine.

  • Paralysis and
    destruction of the Wall in West Bank.

  • Ending the
    system of racial discrimination.

  • Total and
    definitive lifting of the blockade on Gaza.

  • Recognition of
    the right of return for refugees.



24 July 2010 (Australia): Queensland Teachers’ Union votes to support boycott
The council of the Queensland Teachers Union passed the following resolution seconded by the Deputy General Secretary Graham Maloney, with only two abstentions. The resolution states  ”Boycott Divestment Sanctions Campaign : July 9th was the fifth anniversary of the BDS call initiated by Palestinian society requesting international solidarity and support. 1. That this meeting notes the report and presentation about the 2010 Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA study tour given by Mr P Monsour at the last QTU State Council meeting on May 8. With particular reference to:  the Gaza blockade; illegal Israeli settlements;  the Apartheid practices of the Israeli government; the Israeli government’s lack of adherence to international law & UN resolutions; house demolitions; the illegal Separation Wall; the inhumane treatment of Palestinian refugees. And also notes the recent attack in international waters of the Gaza freedom flotilla. 2. That the QTU joins the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Campaign initiated by Palestinian trade unions and civil society in 2005 that has the aims of: ending Israel’s occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall; recognising the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.  3. That the Queensland Teachers Union supports AEU efforts to work towards building national support for the campaign and gain the support of the ACTU for the BDS campaign.  4. That this meeting encourages members to oppose the apartheid practices of the Israeli government by joining the consumer boycott of Israeli goods and that those products under boycott are listed in the union journal in an article that also explains the rationale for the BDS campaign as well as its objectives.”

20 July 2010 (Australia):  Unionists welcome National Council of Churches vote on boycott of settlement goods
Last week, the 19 member churches of Australia’s National Council of Churches adopted a resolution on peace for Israelis and Palestinians which includes the call for consumers to boycott goods produced in the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. The motion was moved by the Anglican and Uniting churches, second and third largest Christian denominations in the country. ”Support by civil society organisations around the world for the non-violent strategy of boycotts, divestment and sanctions to secure peace and justice for the Palestinians is rapidly consolidating across the world, ” said Kim Sattler, secretary of Unions ACT, who recently returned from a trade union study tour of the Middle East. ”Now Australian churches are joining national unions in teaching, manufacturing and construction, and regional union bodies in Wollongong, Newcastle, ACT and Geelong, as well as union branches across Australia in asking the Australian public to act on their opinions, and reject products made on stolen land.” she continued. “The voice of the Christians of Australia, adds to membership pressure for other trade union bodies to take a stance in support of boycotting Israel to end the illegal occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, to tear down the Wall, to give freedom to  the four million Palestinians under occupation, and to ensure equal rights of all citizens in Israel.”


4 August 2010 (Australia): LHMU Queensland joins the Palestinian call for boycott
The Queensland Branch of the Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union (LHMU) has today issued a resolution calling for an end the to illegal Israeli occupation, and resolves to support the “peaceful measures” of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign.

6 August 2010 (Australia): Queensland delegates of Construction Union pass motion to support boycott
The 2010 Queensland state Delegates Conference of the Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union (CFMEU) has passed a motion calling on the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and Australian Council of Trade Union (ACTU) ”to show genuine support for a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict based on recognition to each other’s right to exist and to live in peace within secure borders and in accordance with UN resolutions and international law.”  The delegates also called for the union’s ”support for non-violent resistance through the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel to bring about an end to the illegal occupation.”

4 August 2010 (Australia): National Division of Electrical Trades Union joins boycott call
The National Divisional Conference of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) of Australia yesterday added its national strength to the call for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation and implementation of UN resolutions, and resolved to support the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).