
In Norway, local elections herald a shift to the right

Strained alliances in Norwegian politics

What is the European left saying about the Ukraine war?

Norway: The Red Party supports Ukraine's fight for freedom

Norway left party Rødt MP: 'We need to stop the war and bring Putin to justice'
Interview with Tobias Lund by Duroyan Fertl
Breakthrough for Norway’s radical left
By llen Engelstad
¿Por qué el gobierno 'Roji-Verde' de Noruega ha sido derrotado por la coalición de derechas?

Escaños obtenidos: SV – Partido de Izquierda Socialista; A – Partido Laborista; MDG – Parti
Why Norway's 'red-green' government was defeated by the right-wing coalition

Seats won: SV – Socialist Left Party; A – Labour Party; MDG – Green Party; FRP – Progress P
The Oslo mass murder and the mainstreaming of racism in Europe; Solidarity from Palestine

The Sun, a flagship daily of the disgraced Murdoch empire, immediately prepared a front page that described the far-right attack as an "Al Qaeda Massa
Global microfinance industry totters as Grameen Bank founder’s career ends in disgrace

Grameen Bank's Muhammad Yunus (right) with Bangladeshi women. The promised empowerment and poverty reduction failed to eventuate.
By Patrick Bond
April 27, 2011 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Bangladesh’s once-legendary banking environment is now fatally polluted. The rot is spreading so fast and far that the entire global microfinance industry is threatened. Controversy ranges far beyond poisonous local politics, the factor most often cited by those despondent about Grameen Bank’s worsening crisis.