Should the left support a "Brexit" in the upcoming British referendum?

In June, Britain will hold an referendum on whether to remain part of the European Union.

Venezuela: a turning point for Latin America?

By Stuart Piper January 25, 2016 – Links Internat

Workers' Party of Belgium leader: "We have to struggle to bring down this European Union and build another form of cooperation"

Workers' Party of Belgium supporters rally in solidarity with the people of Greece February 18, 2016 -

Solidarity with Rojava, with the Kurdish revolution and with the liberation struggle of the PKK!

A convey of Kurdish revolutionary fighters from the People’s Protection Units (YPG)

Propaganda as “News”: Ecuador Sells out Indigenous and the Environment to China

A portion of the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador By Stansfield Smith

Yanis Varoufakis: a manifesto for democratising Europe

‪European trade unionists protest outside the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels‬
Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who last September stepped down from his post in the radical-left Syriza government, has launched his Democracy in Europe movement, DiEM25. Its ambitious aim is a radical overhaul of Europe’s institutions and the introduction of absolute transparency in decision-making, to be completed by 2025. Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal is republishing here from Mediapart the manifesto Varoufakis presented in Berlin on February 9th, a plan to “regain control over our Europe from unaccountable ‘technocrats’ and shadowy institutions”. For all their concerns with global competitiveness, migration and terrorism, only one prospect truly terrifies the Powers of Europe: Democracy! They speak in democracy’s name but only to deny, exorcise and suppress it in practice. They seek to co-opt, evade, corrupt, mystify, usurp and manipulate democracy in order to break its energy and arrest its possibilities. For rule by Europe’s peoples, government by the demos, is the shared nightmare of: • The Brussels bureaucracy (and its more than 10,000 lobbyists)

A return to the question of whether Russia is imperialist

A demonstrator in Istanbul holds a picture depicting Vl

After Spanish elections: establishment in funk over Podemos

Supporters of left-wing political force Podemos celebrate the strong showing for their