Tiananmen Square

On the transformation of social property relations under China’s party-state regime

Michael Pröbsting outlines how Marxist state theory accounts for China’s political regime overseeing one mode of production and then facilitated its transformation into another.
Pakistan on the edge

Pakistan: As the old is dying, a new struggles to be born

Ammar Ali Jan — Decades of economic, political and social neglect have now metastasised into a scenario that sees Pakistan seemingly heading down a blind alley.
America Latina en la encrucijada global Claudio Katz

The Latin American left amid China, the United States, late progressivism and the far right

Eric Toussaint — Claudio Katz's new book, Latin America at the Global Crossroads, concentrates on the continent’s relations with China and with US imperialism.
Attack Lebanon surburb

Israel’s offensive against Lebanon represents an escalation of Netanyahu’s project of death

Israel Dutra — Israel’s recent attacks on neighbouring Lebanon represents a new stage in Zionist aggression across the region.
Destruction Southern Lebanon

Strategic reflections on the escalation of Israeli intimidation in Lebanon

Gilbert Achcar — On intimidation, terrorism, asymmetric war, deterrence, counter-deterrence, and the Dahiya doctrine in the ongoing Israeli onslaught on Lebanon.
Gilbert Achcar

Gilbert Achcar: ‘We are witnessing the first genocide in history to be televised and openly supported by the West’

Gilbert Achcar provides an overview of the complex political situation in the Middle East, situating it within the context of the political project of the global far right.
AfD protest

Unpacking working-class reaction

Anton Jäger — Across Europe, far-right parties are winning elections thanks to growing working-class support. But how deep does that support go?
Far right

The far right: A reactionary backlash

Marga Ferré — The far right is a form of backlash against the energies with which we subalterns are starting to change the world. It reacts against not only the change that has taken place already, but also potential future change.
Boris Kagarlitsky conference

(Online conference) Boris Kagarlitsky and the challenges of the left today

This special online conference in Boris Kagarlitsky’s honour will address the double aspect of his contribution: his wide-ranging analysis of the left’s dilemmas; and his resistance to the authoritarianism of the regime of Vladimir Putin.
Putin Xi

Boris Kagarlitsky: China and Russia in the modern world-system — A dual challenge

Boris Kagarlitsky — Debates over whether Russia’s current decoupling from the West and pivot to China constitutes a real delinking from the imperialist centre have intensified following the conflict in Ukraine and imposition of unprecedented Western sanctions.
Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value

Reinvigorating Marx: A critical exploration of value theory in 21st-century capitalism (plus: Re-reading Giovanni Arrighi on the struggle for global hegemony)

Dmitry Pozhidaev — ‘Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value’ aims to explain 21st-century capitalism through Karl Marx’s value theory.
Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela: The US blockade and the election — a response to Edgardo Lander

Chris Slee — The US government will use the claimed falsification of election results as a pretext for continuing and intensifying its economic war against Venezuela. The left must oppose this.