End occupations everywhere placard

From Ukraine to Palestine: The challenges of consistent internationalism

Blanca Missé — Many activists recognize movements face the same decadent global capitalism and its imperialist state system. However, international and regional politics shape these struggles, making it hard for them to unite against their common enemy.

Solidarity with Ukraine: A feminist perspective

Ukrainian feminists speak on why the struggle against Russia's imperialist invasion is not only about Ukraine but the future of humanity, and why it should matter to the whole world.
Southern Lebanon bombing

Lebanon and the Israeli strategy of intimidation

Gilbert Achcar — In recent days, Israeli threats regarding an imminent attack on Lebanon have multiplied.
Amilcar Cabral at the 1964 Cassacá Congress.

“No fist is big enough to hide the sky”: 100 years of Amilcar Cabral

Balasingham Skanthakumar — Anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist, party organizer and guerilla warfare strategist, diplomat and publicist, revolutionary theorist and internationalist, Amílcar Cabral was among the most original Marxists of the 20th century.
Nigeria #endhunger protests

Nigerian government unleashes massive repression after #endhunger protests

In August, tens of thousands of Nigerians rose up to denounce the government in a movement that was organised under the slogans #endbadgovernance and #endhunger. Salvador Ousmane writes about the many still incarcerated for the crime of protest.
Kenya uprising

The Kenyan uprising: Realizing resistance after decades of plunder and poverty

Zachary J Patterson — More than two months after its government’s controversial Finance Bill 2024 sparked widespread unrest, the flame of resistance remains bright across Kenya.
Palestine key protest

‘Two-state solution’ a fig leaf for Western leaders

Dave Holmes — Calling for a separate Palestinian state serves as a fig leaf for Western politicians to cover their fundamental position of support for Israel.

(Video) The genocidal returns of lesser evilism: The US presidential elections and left strategy

brian bean, Kristen Godfrey, and Natalia Tylim take up the question of the 2024 elections as a strategic issue for the organized socialist left and not simply as a question about how an individual may choose to vote in an increasingly undemocratic election
Uncommitted Movement

Palestine: From shifting the discourse to changing US policy

Max Elbaum — The movement opposing Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza has transformed this country’s conversation about Palestine. This achievement opens the path to forcing a change in US policy and to putting internationalism at the center of the progressive movement’s agenda.
Caracas graffiti

Against authoritarianism and neoliberalism in Venezuela: A view from the critical left

In this conversation, Edgardo Lander seeks to move beyond the dogmatic, schematic and sectarian views that characterise much of the international flow of information and analysis on Venezuela.
CPC Congress 2018

On the specific class character of China’s ruling bureaucracy and its transformation in the past decades

Michael Pröbsting — The rapid process of capitalist development in China and its rise as an imperialist power is one of the most important questions for Marxists today.
Net foreign capital income

Imperialism: Now we have some numbers

Renfrey Clarke — In the view of Marxists, the rift that divides the world is a direct result of imperialism, whose core is always material and economic.