Antonio Neto

Peru: Eight months after Dina Boluarte usurped government, the future of the Peruvian people is at risk

Antonio Neto & Jorge Escalante — There are at least two possible scenarios: either a reactionary government with fascist traits is consolidated or we move forward with a process of structural changes. What is at stake is the future of Peru.
Russian tanks

Russian imperialism and its monopolies

Michael Pröbsting — Some on the left still claim Russia is not an imperialist power (and hence a lesser evil than Western rivals). This is a discussion not just of theoretical interest but also of political importance.
beyond the wall

‘Beyond the Wall’: A objective look of the former German Democratic Republic

John Tully — Katya Hoyer is no apologist for the East German regime, but she has written a more objective history of the former state than the German establishment would like.
Germany Ukraine protest

The German left debates Putin’s war

How to position oneself on the war in Ukraine? This question has been dividing the left in Germany for more than a year. A debate between Ingar Solty from the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and ak editor Jan Ole Arps on this question.

Trapped in the Democratic Party: The Left, Bidenomics, and socialist strategy

Ashley Smith describes how Joe Biden’s economic program represents “imperialist Keynesianism” designed to rival China, ameliorate domestic social inequalities, and neutralize challenges from both the Left and the Trumpian right.
Hegel and Marx

How Hegelian was Marx? A contribution to the history of Marx and Young Hegelianism

Jason Devine — Reading what Lenin wrote about Marx can really only tell us what the former thought about the latter. It is best to refer back to actual sources. In this way we can see that the idea Marx was a Hegelian idealist is pure myth.
The foreign ministers of China, Brazil, South Africa, Russia, and India meet for the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa in June 2023.

The Johannesburg BRICS Summit’s unrealistic hype

Patrick Bond — Talk of a “BRICS+” with new members and a “de-dollarization” agenda are raising the profile of this network to an unprecedented — and unrealistic — level.
security workshop

Nordic left discuss security policy in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Duroyan Fertl — Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung hosted a workshop to facilitate the exchange of experiences and strategies between left parties grappling with the issue of security policy, particularly in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The hard right captivates the Argentine electorate

Mariano Schuster & Pablo Stefanoni — The Argentine primary elections caused a political earthquake, with libertarian Javier Milei taking first place and Peronism coming in third. Never before has the radicalized right won so many votes.
degrowth interview tempest

The politics of degrowth: Technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism

Paul Fleckenstein interviews Gareth Dale on the politics of degrowth and the critique of the ideology of growth in capitalist society.
PSM MUDA candidates

Socialist Party of Malaysia: 'What did your third-party vote accomplish?'

Darren Ong Chung Lee — Understandably many were skeptical of our election campaign. We were nowhere close to winning, we lost our deposit, and Bersatu ended up gaining our seat. So what exactly did our efforts accomplish?

Malaysia: The third force needs more than quality candidates

Arveent Kathirtchelvan — The Socialist Party of Malaysia-Malaysian United Democracy Alliance third force foray in the 2023 state elections failed to garner enough votes for at least one candidate to save their deposit. This was an expected outcome.