inflatable boat immigrants

Capitalism, imperialism and global displacement

Justin Akers Chacón — The crisis churning out rising displacement is located in the failings of the capitalist system internationally, both in its economic functions and political operations.

Clifton D’Rozario (CPIML Liberation, India): Understanding the rise of the global far right

Clifton D’Rozario — There is no denying the far right has emerged as a formidable political force around the world. In India, fascism is not just being fought in the electoral arena; it is also being confronted on the streets.
Mirror front page anti-fascist protests

Britain: Thousands mobilise to face down fascist rioters

Phil Hearse — Thousands of anti-fascists mobilised to face down fascist groups threatening immigration lawyers and mosques in cities across Britain on August 7.
End bad governance Nigeria

Economic hardship sparks nationwide protest in Nigeria

Baba Aye — Tens of thousands of people have trooped out on the streets across Nigeria in nationwide #EndBadGovernance protests against hardship and hunger, since 1 August.
Zionism Palestine

Ilan Pappé: To stop the century-long genocide in Palestine, uproot the source of all violence — Zionism

Ilan Pappé — In the case of Palestine, violence is the ideology and praxis of the Israeli settler state, not the existential struggle of the colonised Palestinian people.
Joe Biden

Gilbert Achcar: US president Joe Biden’s crime against humanity

Gilbert Achcar — There is no doubt that the court of history will include Joe Biden's name prominently on the list of perpetrators of crimes against humanity.
Bangladesh protests

After Hasina’s resignation, the struggle over the power vacuum continues in Bangladesh

Badrul Alam — Prime minister Sheikh Hasina used all the tools of repression at her disposal against the people to retain power, but was defeated in the end.
Anti Tommy Robinson protest

Anti*Capitalist Resistance (England & Cymru/Wales): Solidarity and unity now

Anti*Capitalist Resistance statement on far-right violence sweeping Britain and Northern Ireland
Protests Georgia Commons

Local communities and labor movements under threat in Sakartvelo: Interview with Georgian left activists

Daria Saburova — In April-May 2024, tens of thousands of Georgians took to the streets to protest against the new "Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence," which was finally passed by the parliament on May 28th, overturning the presidential veto.
Bangladesh protests

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: Statement on the developments in Bangladesh

CPI(ML) Liberation — We congratulate the democracy-loving people of Bangladesh at this hour of victorious assertion.

Jess Spear (RISE, Ireland): Capitalism kills — The case for ecosocialism

Jess Spear — We need to place an understanding of the ecological crisis at the centre of what we are doing. We are not just ecosocialists when we are campaigning about the environment and socialists the rest of the time.
Kamala Harris

United States: The (undemocratic) Democratic Party machine lurches toward the election

Sharon Smith — Kamala Harris’ rhetoric has tended to be more progressive than Biden’s, but Biden’s policies are very likely to be Harris’ policies in a future presidency because Harris has never strayed far from them, whatever language she has used.