Ukraine war

Five wars in one: The battle for Ukraine

Susan Watkins - A classic analysis of the Second World War defines it as the outcome of five different types of conflict. Might this type of analytical perspective throw some light on the present war for Ukraine? 
Ernest Mandel

Trotskyists and the resistance in World War II

Ernest Mandel - If we look at the problem of World War II from a more dialectical, more correct Leninist point of view, we have to say that it was in reality a combination of five different wars.
PSM candidate

Malaysia: PSM’s manifesto for the 15th general election

Parti Sosialis Malaysia will be running in the Rembau parliamentary seat and the Ayer Kuning seat in the Perak state assembly. Here is their manifesto for the 15th General Election.
China and the world

China and the World

Sophie Chen - As China’s global impact grows, it becomes increasingly important to deepen international understanding of China, to amplify voices from grassroots social movements inside the country and, more importantly, to show solidarity and learn from their experiences and resistance.

Brazil: What Washington most fears in president-elect Lula

Steve Ellner - What has Washington most worried is the reemergence of a powerful non-aligned movement and the prospect that a progressive like Lula be situated at its helm.
Say here name

Rhythm of revolution in Iran: In the name of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini

Aidin Torkameh - A collective front of a movement of a conscious people seeking self-determination, and recovering Iranian socialisms of the past and making new ones today, is urgently required.
Mike Davis

The political importance of Mike Davis

Phil Hearse - From the 1980s until his death in California on October 22, Mike Davis was among the most influential Marxist theorists writing in the English language.
Stop Putin Stop War

Putin's invasion must be condemned: A response to 'Theses on the war in Ukraine'

Chris Slee - Western imperialism certainly played a part in creating the context for the war. But it was Russian President Vladimir Putin who took the decision to invade, and he must be condemned for this.
Boris Kagarlitsky

“The whole world is becoming more like Russia.” A conversation on deglobalization in the wake of the war in Ukraine with Boris Kagarlitsky

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is having profound repercussions for the international system and the global economy. In this conversation, Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the implications of the war on the Russian economy, its financial sector, and the Russian elite. Furthermore, he nalyzes the ongoing crisis of globalization, in particular Western sanctions, rising commodity prices, and the current role of China.
Spectre graphic

First and Third World ecosocialisms: Improving contemporary ecosocialist debates

David Camfield - As catastrophic floods in Pakistan and drought in Europe and China highlight the ecological crisis of fossil capital, a debate between Matt Huber and Kai Heron raises important issues for anyone concerned with understanding and responding politically to our times.
Jim Crow

Understanding the United States’ unique anti-democratic structures

Barry Sheppard - In the United States, there are built-in anti-democratic structural aspects unique to it that were part of its founding alongside subsequent structural features have also become embedded over time.

Denmark to hold early elections as Social Democrats move right

Duroyan Fertl - On November 1, Denmark will vote, seven months ahead of schedule. Polls show left and right blocs almost neck-and-neck, and the risk of an outright win for the right-wing remains real.