Mariana Riscali looks at the state of Brazil’s far right, as well as the country’s trade unions and social movements, and outlines MES’ views on parliamentary work, ecosocialism and internationalism.
Mariana Riscali discusses PSOL’s relationship with the new Lula government and the tensions this has caused within the party.
Palestinian resistance and the war in Gaza: An interview with Toufic Haddad
An interview with Oksana Dutchak, member of the Commons editorial team, as the two year anniversary of Russia’s invasion approaches.
Turkey: ‘The absence of rules is the fundamental character of the regime’
Masis Kürkçügil explains how Erdoğan’s Turkey is seeking to carve out a path between the Western bloc and the West in order to build a second-rate imperialism. But this is not without difficulty in the context of exacerbated contradictions between the great powers.
The climate crisis: corporations are gambling with our lives
Marty Hart-Landsberg — The US government continues to green light the use of fossil fuels, even while voicing support for an international agreement to phase out fossil fuels. What gives? And what can we do about it?
North and South Korea at a turning point after 70 years
Karen Yamanaka — The situation on the Korean Peninsula is at its most dangerous since 1950.
Socialism and revolutionary democracy: Lenin’s legacy for our time of catastrophe
Ukania and Palestine: An interview with Lindsey German (Stop the War Coalition UK)
Lindsey German — Even if there were a ceasefire tomorrow, this movement isn’t going away. There has been a permanent sea-change in public attitudes towards Palestine.
Social Movement (Ukraine): From Ukraine to Palestine — Occupation is a crime
The Social Movement stands for a just peace in the Middle East, which requires the elimination of structural oppression of Palestinians and systemic violence against the civilian population.
Israel’s war on Gaza: The West against the rest?
Harald Etzbach — While the states of the Global South publicly proclaim solidarity with Palestine, the reality is more complicated.
South Africa: Punching above its weight
Juan Acevedo-Ossa — South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel is the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding even the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.