Reform or revolution? The lessons of Chile — a contribution to a debate
By Geoff Mirelowitz
What are the ‘right lessons’ for socialists? A reply to Eric Blanc
By Mike Taber
November 14, 2021 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from John Riddell's Marxist Essays and Commentary via World-Outlook — Eric Blanc is a serious and dedicated socialist historian and activist who doesn’t hesitate to jump into the fray and take positions he knows are controversial. Such an attitude is commendable, even if I disagree with his conclusions. His latest article, “Socialists Should Take the Right Lessons from the Russian Revolution” — published in Jacobin and reprinted on John Riddell’s website — is no exception and merits careful examination.
In his article Blanc aims to set the record straight on V. I. Lenin and the Russian Revolution, and to demolish the “myth of Bolshevik exceptionalism,” which he asserts is “wrong for our own time.” Instead, he seeks to establish the “right lessons” socialists should take from the history of the fight for “socialist transformation.”
The road ahead: Cuba after the July 11 protests
By William M. LeoGrande, John M.
Path to extinction or path to a livable future?
By Don Fitz
Climate: COP26 - Enough blah blah, only struggle pays off
By Daniel Tanuro*
India: How not to fight fascism
By Kavita Krishnan