South Africa's poor to pay for dirty World Bank loan

By Patrick Bond, Durban
April 14, 2010 -- Just how dangerous is the World Bank and its neo-conservative president Robert Zoellick to South Africa and the global climate? Notwithstanding South Africa's existing US$75 billion foreign debt, on April 8 the bank added a $3.75 billion loan to South Africa's electricty utility Eskom for the primary purpose of building the world's fourth-largest coal-fired power plant, at Medupi. It will spew 25 million tons of the climate pollutant carbon dioxide into the air each year. [For more background go to]
South Africa's finance minister Pravin Gordhan has repeatedly said that this is theWorld Bank's "first" post-apartheid loan, yet the bank's 1999 and 2008 Country Assistance Strategy documents show conclusively that Medupi is the 15th credit since 1994.
Celebrating the 8th anniversary of the Venezuelan people’s defeat of the April 11, 2002, coup against Hugo Chavez, and solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution
By the Socialist Party of Malaysia
Bolivia: Ambassador Pablo Solon on why thousands will attend World People's Climate Summit
Pablo Solon, part 1. Parts 2 and 3 below.
April 11, 2010 -- World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth via Climate and Capitalism.
Pakistan: A credible alternative to the parties of the rich

By Farooq Tariq
On April 10, 2010, Mian Abdul Qayum, a labour leader in Faisalabad, submitted his nomination papers as candidate for the Punjab Assembly constituency 63 by-election on May 15. The other candidates are from the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) and the National Muslim League. We need your support to contest this by-election.
Tailandia: Resolver la crisis a través de la democracia, no con la represion
Tailandia se encuentra en una profunda crisis. Las cargas policiales y
militares han matado a 21 personas y herido a unas 900. Los “camisas
rojas” protestan por la falta de libertades en el país. Os envío la
declaración solidaria con la lucha del pueblo tailandés suscrita por
organizaciones de Malasia, Indonesia, Tailandia, Filipinas y Australia. (Gracias G. Buster.)
Declaración regional conjunta de Partido Socialista de Malasia
(PSM), Asociación de Trabajadores de Indonesia (PRP), Partido
Democrático del Pueblo (PRD), Giro a la Izquierda de Tailandia,
Alianza Socialista de Australia, Partido Lakas ng Masa
Estamos profundamente preocupados por la actual situación en Tailandia donde el primer ministro que está apoyado por los militares Ahbisit Vejjajiva ha declarado el estado de emergencia y ha empezado una sangrienta campaña en medio de una escalada de protestas pidiendo nuevas elecciones.
Capitalism and food: Let them eat junk

An interview with Rob Albritton
March 2010 -- Rob Albritton’s Let Them Eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity (2009), published by Arbeiter Ring Press in Canada and Pluto Press in the UK, offers a welcome and urgently needed analysis of “how the profit fixation of capital has led us deeply into a dangerously unsustainable system of food provision, a system that totally fails when it comes to distributive justice and to human and environmental health” (p. 201). His analysis takes us inside capitalism and shows how its “deep structures” manage our agricultural and food systems in irrational ways.
Socialist Project’s Relay magazine recently asked John Simoulidis to interview Robert Albritton about his book and current global struggles to address the failures of our agriculture/food system. Posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission.
Thais in Australia: `Oppose human rights abuses by Thai military and government'
ต่อต้านการใช้ความรุนแรงต่อประชาชนและการละเมิด สิทธิมนุษยชนของกองทัพไทยและรัฐบาล
The following statement by Thai Red Australia Group for Democracy was released at a protest rally in Sydney on April 12, 2010.
“At least 19 people have died and 825 injured as a result of violent clashes in Bangkok Thailand, as troops tried to retake areas from anti-government protesters on 10th of April 2010.”
อภิสิทธิต้องลาออก ต้องยุบสภาเพื่อให้มีการเลือกตั้ง!! ต้องเคารพสิทธิในการประท้วง ต้องหยุดควบคุมสื่อ!!
เรา องค์กรสังคมนิยมในประเทศเพื่อนบ้าน
มีความเป็นห่วงอย่างยิ่งเกี่ยวกับสถานการณ์ในประเทศไทย เนื่องจากรัฐบาลของ
อภิสิทธิ เวชชาชีวะที่มีทหารหนุนหลัง
Thailand: Asia-Pacific left statement -- `Resolve crisis through democracy, not crackdown!'
April 10, 2010 -- News footage of Thailand's security forces opening fire on Red Shirt pro-democracy protesters.
By Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People's Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) of the Philippines, Socialist Alliance of Australia, Solidarity (Australia)
April 10, 2010 -- We are deeply concerned over the current situation in Thailand where military-backed Prime Minister Ahbisit Vejjajiva has declared a state of emergency and started a bloody crackdown amidst escalating protests calling for a fresh election.
The Greens: mainstream party or minor irritant?

Bolivia: Bittersweet victory highlights obstacles for process of change

By Federico Fuentes, Caracas
April 10, 2010 -- Bolivia Rising -- Although final figures will not be known until April 24, the results of Bolivia's April 4 regional elections have ratified the continued advance of the "democratic and cultural revolution" led by the country's first Indigenous president, Evo Morales. However, it also highlights some of the shortcomings and obstacles the process of change faces.
Initial results from the election for governors, mayors and representatives to municipal councils and departmental assemblies have confirmed the Morales-led Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) as the sole political force with strong support across Bolivia.
It follows the historic 64% vote to reelect Morales and the two-thirds majority MAS obtained in the Plurinational Assembly last December.
Pro-democracy protesters demand the reopening of the Thaicom TV station. Photos by Sarot Meksophawannakul Thiti Wannamontha Chanat Katanyu Thapanan Thongsubhiran/Bangkok Post.
STOP PRESS -- April 10, 2010
By Giles Ji Ungpakorn
Soldiers armed with live and rubber bullets and CS gas have attacked the peaceful pro-democracy Red Shirts at various spots in the centre of Bangkok. At least 12 people, Red Shirts and one Japanese Reuters reporter, have been shot dead by armed troops using automatic weapons, and tanks [were used] against peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators. Hundreds more people have been injured. The military-backed government of Abhisit Vejjajiva has blood on its hands and should resign immediately. Some soldiers have been taken prisoner and weapons seized. Red Shirts outside Bangkok have seized many provincial headquarters.
Tonight at 10pm in Bangkok, a ceasefire has been announced. The questions is... what happens tomorrow?