Bargaining over corporate investment: innovation or trap?

By Sam Gindin and Herman Rosenfeld September 7, 2016 — Links International Journal of S

Ideas for the struggle #2 - Convince, not impose

1. Popular movements and, more generally, the different social protagonists engaged in the struggle against neoliberal globalization both at the international and national levels, reject — with good reason — attitudes that aim to impose hegemony or control on movements.

Ideas for the struggle #1 - Mass uprisings or revolutions? The role of the political instrument

1. The recent and not so recent popular uprisings that rocked numerous countries across the world have clearly demonstrated that the initiative of the people, in and of itself, is not enough to defeat ruling regimes.

Analysing the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)

By Phil Hearse and Sarah Parker August 27, 2016 —

United States: The LGBTQ movement today

By Donna Cartwright
August 25, 2016 —

Filipinas: Las contradicciones del régimen Duterte

[Original in English here] Por Sonny Melencio, traducido para

Degrowth, green capitalism and the promise of ecosocialism

By Richard Smith
August 22, 2016 —