Egypt: Revolutionary Socialists on the latest massacre in Cairo
Down with military rule!
'Rocking the Foundations' -- the story of Australia's pioneering red-green trade union
August 14, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – An outstanding historical account of the "Green Ba
Federico Fuentes on socialism in the 21st century and revolutionary leadership in Latin America
Green Left TV – Federico Fuentes speaking at the "Organising for 21st
Assassinated transport workers’ leader Antonio “Dodong” Petalcorin.
By Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses), Philippines
Britain: Left Unity discusses what politics for a new left party?
By Felicity Dowling
United States: Socialist local candidate wins 35% of vote, enters run-off
By the Kshama Sawant Campaign for Seattle City Council
Solomon Islands: 10 years since the Australian-led occupation -- the politics of fantasy
Riots in Honiara in 2006.
The Great Rift: Capitalism and the metabolism of nature and production
August 7, 2013 – MRZine – John Bellamy Foster: