We will not be silenced

Open letter to the Israeli and US governments and others weaponizing the issue of rape

In its current war against the people of Gaza, the Israeli government has chosen to weaponize the issue of sexual violence for political outcome.
First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O’Neill and Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald speak at a Foreign Press Association briefing in London, 8 February 2024.

Ireland: On the road to reunification?

Tommy Greene — With Michelle O’Neill as First Minister of Northern Ireland, a United Ireland could finally be within reach.

Ireland and Ukraine’s struggle for independence 1916 –23

Ireland and Ukraine had similar challenges in the period 1916 – 1923. Conor Kostick and Vladyslav Starodubtsev answer questions about the period and compare the experiences of the left in that era.
Boris Kagarlitsky petition

Petition: Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all other Russian anti-war political prisoners!

The sham trial of Dr Kagarlitsky is the latest in a wave of brutal repression against the left-wing movements in Russia.
Mikhail Lobanov

Russian socialist Mikhail Lobanov: ‘We are sure that at this “election”, millions will cast a protest vote’

Mikhail Lobanov discusses the Just World/Peace campaign that is seeking to disrupt the staged presidential elections taking place in Russia between March 15-17.
Just World Just Peace Russia

Russia: For a Just World/Just Peace Manifesto

The following manifesto has been issued by Just World/Just Peace, a new left-wing initiative seeking to disrupt the staged presidential elections that will take place between March 15-17.
KPRF candidate

Russia: Putin’s plebiscite, Russia’s ‘Left‘ and Russia’s Left

Ernest Reid — The post-Soviet capitalist regime has been central to the gradual destruction of Russia’s Left. Nevertheless, the emerging new cohort of leftists offers hope for the future.
Vladimir Lenin

Lenin’s socialism: Labels and realities

Paul Le Blanc — Lenin's conception of socialism, which he shared with Marx and Engels, with Eugene V. Debs and Rosa Luxemburg, and with many others, remains a possible alternative to capitalism that is worth considering and fighting for.
Lenin statute

Lenin’s legacy — An alternative to capitalism

The following presentation was given by Tamás Krausz on February 1 as part of a panel on “What was socialism for Lenin?” that was part of the ongoing “Leninist Days/Journadas Leninistas” series of lectures.

Andre Ventura

Portugal: Far right surges in election

Dave Kellaway provides an initial response to the March 10 general election in Portugal, in which the far-right party Chega was the big winner of the night.
Tempest cover Dave McNally

Perspectives for socialists in 2024: An interview with David McNally

David McNally looks at current geopolitical dynamics, economic fault lines, labor struggles and perspectives for socialists in 2024.
Landscape Kliun

Making sense of the interregnum since 2007-9

Costas Lapavitsas & Nicolás Aguila — The present condition of the capitalist order should be understood as a Gramscian interregnum, when “the old is dying and the new cannot be born.”