William I Robinson

gaza window

Gaza: A ghastly window into the crisis of global capitalism

William I Robinson & Hoai-An Nguyen — As the world watches in horror, the carnage in Gaza gives us a ghastly window into the rapidly escalating crisis of global capitalism.


Capitalist globalisation, transnational class exploitation and the global police state: Interview with William I. Robinson

William I. Robinson discusses the rise of transnational class exploitation and how contradictions between a globally integrated economy and a nation-state-based system help explain rising US-China tensions.
Map of world graphic

The violent crackup of the post‑WWII international order: Notes on the geopolitical crisis and global capital

William I Robinson delves into the complex ways in which global capitalism has transformed the lives of working people in developing countries, exploring the social and economic impacts of globalisation, the rise of transnational corporations, and the emergence of new forms of resistance and social movements in response to these changes.