1,000,000th visitor to Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

October 20, 2010 – In the early hours of October 20, 2010, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal passed an historic milestone – its 1,000,000th visitor (since statistics began being kept on April 4, 2008). The unknown visitor entered site at Renfrey Clarke's essential article, "The new climate-change denialism: Who promotes it, and how to answer it".

Those 1 million visitors have collectively read more than 1.33 million articles since April 2008.

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal's mission has been to promote the revival of a democratic, ecological, thinking, activist socialism, and to encourage and publicise the activities and views of active socialists around the world who are rebuilding the socialist and radical alternative in deed as well as word.

Links' success is especially gratifying because there were some who claimed – when we took the decision to go solely online, rather than continue to produce the excellent but largely unread hard-copy version – that Links was being "closed down" and was part of an abandonment of our fundamental socialist principles. Well, there are now more than a million arguments against that pessimistic forecast.

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal would like to thank all its readers, contributors, collaborators and well wishers for their assistance in passing this important milestone, in particular the comrades of the Socialist Alliance and Green Left Weekly in Australia, without whom Links could not appear. We'd like give special mention to our comrades in Socialist Voice in Canada, the Socialist Party of Malaysia, the Labour Party Pakistan, the Partido Lakas ng Masa in the Philippines, the People's Democratic Party (Indonesia) and Working People's Association (Indonesia), the Communist Party of India (ML) Liberation, Socialist Worker New Zealand, Patrick Bond from South Africa, and many other left parties, workers' groups, liberation movements and individual activists who have made Links an important asset for the entire world socialist movement.

Don't YOU miss an article, subscribe at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373  or follow Links at http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism. You can also join the Links Facebook group.

Lastly, to keep producing Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal on a regular basis also requires financial support. If you appreciate the work we do, please consider making a donation using the facility on the left of your screen.

Who in the world is reading Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal?

Current country totals
From 14 May 2010 to 25 Sep 2010

United States (US)61,996
Australia (AU)27,136
United Kingdom (GB)16,089
Canada (CA)12,772
India (IN)8,450
Thailand (TH)8,187
South Africa (ZA)6,840
Philippines (PH)5,411
Germany (DE)3,603
Malaysia (MY)2,934
Indonesia (ID)2,627
Pakistan (PK)2,300
New Zealand (NZ)1,989
Netherlands (NL)1,866
France (FR)1,739
Sweden (SE)1,525
Brazil (BR)1,489
Turkey (TR)1,267
Spain (ES)1,209
Italy (IT)1,112
Venezuela (VE)1,107
Singapore (SG)1,105
Norway (NO)1,058
Ireland (IE)1,024
Japan (JP)1,019
Mexico (MX)947
Denmark (DK)894
Greece (GR)845
Belgium (BE)810
Korea, Republic of (KR)809
Argentina (AR)664
Hong Kong (HK)660
Russian Federation (RU)629
Switzerland (CH)601
Finland (FI)540
Colombia (CO)534
Poland (PL)505
United Arab Emirates (AE)503
Saudi Arabia (SA)486
Romania (RO)478
Nigeria (NG)473
Sri Lanka (LK)469
Israel (IL)459
Vietnam (VN)454
Portugal (PT)440
Bangladesh (BD)428
Nepal (NP)414
Taiwan (TW)409
Kenya (KE)363
Austria (AT)358
Egypt (EG)333
Chile (CL)332
Czech Republic (CZ)325
Europe (EU)314
Croatia (HR)301
Bolivia (BO)285
Peru (PE)274
Serbia (RS)271
Zimbabwe (ZW)266
Hungary (HU)261
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)255
Ukraine (UA)230
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)217
Costa Rica (CR)206
Lebanon (LB)196
Mauritius (MU)191
Ghana (GH)190
Cambodia (KH)186
Bulgaria (BG)176
Qatar (QA)174
Ecuador (EC)170
Namibia (NA)169
Morocco (MA)143
Puerto Rico (PR)138
Slovenia (SI)137
Kuwait (KW)136
Palestinian Territory (PS)134
Lithuania (LT)124
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA)124
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)123
Uganda (UG)112
Slovakia (SK)112
Swaziland (SZ)112
Jordan (JO)112
Jamaica (JM)107
Ethiopia (ET)103
El Salvador (SV)101
Iceland (IS)97
Malta (MT)97
Panama (PA)97
Asia/Pacific Region (AP)93
Cote D'Ivoire (CI)89
Luxembourg (LU)89
Estonia (EE)84
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)83
Myanmar (MM)79
Senegal (SN)75
Algeria (DZ)71
Latvia (LV)70
Mozambique (MZ)69
Nicaragua (NI)66
Bahrain (BH)65
Uruguay (UY)64
Honduras (HN)64
Georgia (GE)63
Oman (OM)63
Botswana (BW)62
Zambia (ZM)61
Cyprus (CY)59
Sudan (SD)58
Dominican Republic (DO)58
Brunei Darussalam (BN)53
Cuba (CU)53
Guatemala (GT)51
Macedonia (MK)49
Maldives (MV)47
Cameroon (CM)42
Fiji (FJ)42
Tunisia (TN)39
Moldova, Republic of (MD)39
China (CN)38
Lesotho (LS)37
Paraguay (PY)37
Angola (AO)35
Macau (MO)34
Iraq (IQ)34
New Caledonia (NC)33
Rwanda (RW)33
Timor-Leste (TL)30
Mongolia (MN)27
Syrian Arab Republic (SY)27
Albania (AL)25
Kazakstan (KZ)24
Belarus (BY)24
Bahamas (BS)23
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)22
Belize (BZ)22
Isle of Man (IM)21
Bermuda (BM)21
Azerbaijan (AZ)21
Guyana (GY)19
Malawi (MW)19
Netherlands Antilles (AN)19
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)18
Bhutan (BT)18
Montenegro (ME)18
Jersey (JE)18
Papua New Guinea (PG)17
Saint Lucia (LC)16
Burundi (BI)16
Barbados (BB)16
Haiti (HT)15
Cayman Islands (KY)15
Uzbekistan (UZ)14
Dominica (DM)14
Afghanistan (AF)13
Aruba (AW)12
Yemen (YE)12
Benin (BJ)12
Reunion (RE)12
Gambia (GM)11
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)10
Guam (GU)10
Burkina Faso (BF)9
Grenada (GD)8
Guernsey (GG)8
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD)8
Vanuatu (VU)8
Togo (TG)8
Djibouti (DJ)8
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI)8
Gabon (GA)7
American Samoa (AS)7
Suriname (SR)7
Gibraltar (GI)6
Northern Mariana Islands (MP)6
Armenia (AM)6
Liberia (LR)6
Monaco (MC)6
Eritrea (ER)5
Madagascar (MG)5
Sierra Leone (SL)5
Congo (CG)4
Faroe Islands (FO)4
Somalia (SO)4
Virgin Islands, British (VG)4
Anguilla (AI)4
Antigua and Barbuda (AG)4
Seychelles (SC)4
Cape Verde (CV)3
Greenland (GL)3
Guadeloupe (GP)3
Tajikistan (TJ)3
Mali (ML)3
Kiribati (KI)3
Solomon Islands (SB)3
Turks and Caicos Islands (TC)2
French Guiana (GF)2
Andorra (AD)2
French Polynesia (PF)2
Mauritania (MR)2
Guinea-Bissau (GW)2
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FK)1
Aland Islands (AX)1
Samoa (WS)1
Kyrgyzstan (KG)1
Micronesia, Federated States of (FM)1
Chad (TD)1
Sao Tome and Principe (ST)1
Guinea (GN)

Another important milestone in the process of internationa socialist renewal, discussion and hopefully more regroupment. Big congrats to Links editor Terry Townsend who does it all in his spare time from his mountain hideout in the NSW Blue Mountains!


Wow thats a great accomplishment reaching 1,000,000+ visitor and counting for sure.

I followed the tweets already and added also in FB.


Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) would like to congratulate Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal for achieving the historical milestone of 1,000,000 visitors for over the last 2 years. The website has been a great resource for news, information, activities, debates and discussions on the social movements and struggles all around the world. We hope the Links will continue to spread the words on socialism and reach out to more readers in the future.

In solidarity,
Choo Chon Kai
International Bureau
Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

We congratulate Links and note that since going on-line the journal has become more accessible to us here in the Philippines. It's an invaluable resource for socialist analysis, discussion and debate. We also appreciate the inclusiveness of the magazine, as it carries articles from socialists and the socialist movement from a variety of perspectives. Keep up the excellent work.


Woow....Indonesian visitors : 2,627!!!!
Very good!
This site is one of my favourite.

Ever onward!


It is with deep appreciation for the huge amount of work that it takes to produce "LINKS" that I offer my congratulations. The quality of the publication is so consistent that one feels Terry, himself, must be hard wired into the net and global culture.


Congratulations! We need political diversity and awareness of that as much as in any other area.


Congratulations to LINKS and all its supporters as we celebrate the one millionth reader.

I guess Nicaragua does not show on your listings because many of us use email sites based in the USA such as Yahoo or Google.

But put us down for at least three I know of, and I am sure there are more -- even though English is for most a second or third language in the land of Sandino and Carlos Fonseca.

Felipe Stuart


And thank you. Keep up the good work! Yours in solidarity.......

Great work keep it up, heres to a million more.
Links is a very valuable way of facilitating practical real internationalism by ensuring differrent socialists and left activists are aware of what each other are up to and what fights they are facing.

Big ups ;)


India count is 8,450! Wow....that's great.


It is striking how LINKS is primarily accessed by folks in BANA: Britain / Australia NZ / North America (ca. 110,000), as compared with much of Europe.

How low access is across the Arab world. Remarkable low no. of visits from Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon. Likewise from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. The almost non-existent access from China, where we suppose LINKS is largely blocked. Strikingly slight no. of visits from Africa outside of SA. Relatively low scoring for Japan, a bit surprising.

Encouraging are the remarkable figures for THAILAND, highest by far in SE Asia [just compare for ex. with Indonesia or Vietnam], and 2.5x greater than Malaysia, where English far better known. Thailand more than double Germany [!], almost 5x higher than France for example -- and nearly as much as India, where English is far better known. 7 times [!] that of Turkey, a country of comparable size and somewhat greater 'development' than Thailand. This may be due in part to the RedShirt upsurge and LINKS reporting on it. Unlike Malaysia, Thailand has no organized party on the left whatsoever, let alone a socialist movement.

In any event, some very interesting statistics here, worth a study.

For comparison, the order by country of visits to www.greenleft.org.au over the last month, according to Google Analytics, are:
1. Australia (just over half of all visits)
2. United States
3. Britain
4. Canada
5. India
6. Germany
7. Philippines
8. New Zealand
9. France
10. Thailand
11. Indonesia
12. Malaysia
13. Netherlands
14. South Africa
15. Singapore
16. Pakistan
17. Sweden
18. Japan
19. Ireland
20. China
21. Spain
22. Not Set
23. Hong Kong
24. Norway
25. Italy
26. Mexico
27. South Korea
28. Turkey
29. Belgium
30. Russia
31. Venezuela
32. Switzerland
33. Brazil
34. Denmark
35. United Arab Emirates
36. Taiwan
37. Greece
38. Finland
39. Poland
40. Romania
41. Slovakia
42. Israel
43. Saudi Arabia
44. Vietnam
45. Argentina
46. Austria
47. Sri Lanka
48. Ecuador
49. Egypt
50. Portugal
51. Czech Rep
52. Bangladesh
53. Chile
54. Kenya
55. Iran
56. Croatia
57. PNG
58. Fiji
59. Hungary
60. Jamaica
61. Colombia
62. Peru
63. Nigeria
64. Serbia
65. Peurto Rico
66. Cyprus
67. Bolivia
68. Bulgaria
69. Trinidad & Tobago
70. Ukraine
71. Qatar
72. Lebanon
73. Costa Rica
74. Mauritius
75. El Salvador
76. Malta
77. Kuwait
78. Palestinian Territories
79. Ghana
80. Jordan
81. Bhutan
82. Syria
83. Bahrain
84. Iceland
85. Nepal
86. Estonia
87. Latvia
88. Kazahkstan
89. Cambodia
90. Tunisia
91. Iraq



Congratulations on reaching your goals, one million is a big number, but bigger numbers will follow in time. Great work !


I might have been the millionth visitor. The last time I looked at Links I opend into the New climate denial article. Sorry, I cannot remember the date, bot 20 October sounds near it.