Join the May Day 2011 solidarity brigade to Venezuela! April 25–May 4, 2011

Photo taken by AVSN brigadista Raul Burbano during the September 2010 solidarity brigade to Venezuela.
Join the May Day 2011 solidarity brigade to Venezuela! April 25–May 4, 2011
The Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network invites you to observe first-hand the inspiring Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. The sweeping social changes being carried out by Venezuela’s “people’s power” movements are radically transforming life for the majority in that country - workers, women, Indigenous people, young people and all those who have suffered the injustices of poverty, exploitation and exclusion that accompany corporate globalisation.
Along the way, this remarkable revolution is showing the rest of the world that a more rational, socially just and sustainable future is possible.
A special feature of the 2011 May Day brigade will be the opportunity it offers to observe the developing workers’ participation and workers’ control that is a vital part of the Venezuelan revolution, with visits to worker-run factories and cooperatives, and meetings with trade union and community management representatives in a variety of sectors and regions.
The brigadistas will also observe Venezuela’s grassroots democracy in action, with visits to the social missions, communal councils and communes. They will meet and speak with grassroots activists in the free, high-quality public health and education services; sustainable development projects; community controlled media; and women’s and Indigenous organisations. Joining the huge May Day rally in Caracas on May 1st will be a another highlight.
This brigade is the 12th solidarity and study tour organised by the AVSN. Participants’ reports from previous brigades are available at
Registration and costs
The deadline for registering for the 2011 May Day solidarity brigade is February 28, 2011.
Participants will need to book their own international airfares, but the AVSN can help with advice (please do not book without contacting us to confirm the dates). The AVSN will organise all accommodation, transport and English-Spanish translation for the brigade.
People joining from Australia will need to budget for a total cost of A$3500-4000, which will cover international return airfares (between A$2200-2600 from Australia); all food, transport and accommodation (on a shared basis) during the brigade; and the brigade registration fee (A$500 for workers or $300 for full-time students, unemployed and pensioners).
For more information about this or future
brigades, please email
or phone Lisa Macdonald 0413 031 108, Roberto Jorquera
0425 182 994 or John Cleary 0407 500 839. Or visit to register.
Solidarity brigade to Venezuela
I think I may be too old (and I know that I am too poor) to join the Brigade.But I will be there in spirit. Venezuela is one of the few lights of hope and freedom (Cuba is another ) against the all encompassing darkness of 21stC Zionist controlled global capitalism.
Well said Comrade !But remember, you are not "poor" if you have a Revolutionary heart.
Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network
The 2011 brigade is the 12th solidarity and study tour organised by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network.
Solidarity Brigade
I am so glad to see the Brigade noted on your site. This is a significant event and one that is often overlooked. I'm not able to attend but certainly will be there in mind and spirit. Thanks for the effort and sharing this event!