Bernie Sanders
Resisting authoritarian populism: Trump’s victory and the tasks of the Left
Ashley Smith — The Left, social movements, and unions cannot rely on the Democrats, who are responsible for Trump’s victory. Rather, it needs to build an independent resistance committed to fighting for our own demands.
United States: How socialists can govern
By Bill Fletcher Jr.
United States: What the Sanders' campaign opens
By Dianne Feeley
Paul Le Blanc: Bernie Sanders, US politics & socialism today
August 13, 2019 —
Principles and tactics: Socialists utilizing the Democratic Party ballot-line
Contributions to a debate by Paul Le Blan
United States: A left strategy for the 2020 elections and beyond
By Carl Davidson 
Not on our side: On Bernie Sanders and imperialism
By Doug Enaa Green
Hay vida después de Sanders: en busca del futuro político del movimiento
[Original article in English here]
Por Dan La Botz