Health (Cuba)
Cuba 'will always be ready to help sister nations', says ICAP president
A Cuban literacy program operating in an Aboriginal community
Raúl Castro: 'Cuba will continue to defend the ideas for which our people have sacrificed'
President Raúl Castro Ruz thanked the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean for their
Cuba eradicates syphillis, HIV transmission to babies
Haiti: Promised rebuilding unrealised; authoritarian rule challenged
Important achievements in earthqu
Africa: Cuba deploys ‘world’s finest medics’ to Ebola-hit Sierra Leone
Doctors from all over the Th
Samuel Farber discusses Cuba’s future – but ignores the blockade
[See also Chris Slee's free pamphlet Cuba – How the workers
Why is Cuba’s health-care system the best model for poor countries?
Cuba-trained medical student examines Peruvian child, Lima, Peru, December 2010. Photo by Don Fitz.