Ian Angus

Triple crisis in the Anthropocene Ocean

By Ian Angus

November 19, 2020 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Climate & Capitalism — It is impossible to overstate the importance of the ocean to life on Earth. Covering 71% of the planet’s surface, it contains 97% of the world’s surface water and is central to the great biogeochemical cycles that define the biosphere and make life possible. Marine plants generate half of the world’s breathable oxygen.

Millions of species of animals live in the ocean. Seafood is a primary source of protein for three billion people, and hundreds of millions work in the fishing industry.

The ocean’s metabolism — the constant flows and exchanges of energy and matter that have continued for hundreds of millions of years — is a vital part of the Earth System. As famed oceanographer Sylvia Earle writes, our fate and the ocean’s are inextricably intertwined.

Ecosocialism or barbarism: an interview with Ian Angus

Interview with Ian Angus

March 26, 2020 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Review of African Political Economy — In an interview with roape.net, ecosocialist and writer Ian Angus discusses the environmental crisis, the Anthropocene and Covid-19. He argues that new viruses, bacteria and parasites spread from wildlife to humans because capital is bulldozing primary forests, replacing them with profitable monocultures. Ecosocialists must patiently explain that permanent solutions will not be possible so long as capital rules the Earth.

A vision of democratic ecosocialism

Hans Baer: “Democratic eco-socialism rejects a statist, growth-oriented, productivist ethic and recognize

Ian Angus on the climate crisis: ‘We are NOT all in this together’

June 2, 2016 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Climate & Capitalism, a shorter version also appeared in Green Left WeeklyClimate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus recently completed a three-week tour of Australia, organized by the Socialist Alliance and Links to introduce his new book, Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System. He gave this talk, which draws on material in Chapter 11, at forums in Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Brisbane and Newcastle.

‘Facing the Anthropocene’: We have no alternative but to fight the forces destroying our world

Christopher Wright speaking at the global launch of Ian Angus' Facing the Ant