
Putin meeting with Russian capitalists

Class analysis and Russian imperialism: A response to Ilya Matveev

Dmitry Pozhidaev — By focusing on ideology and Putin’s personal motivations, Matveev overlooks class dynamics and the material interests of Russia’s capitalist class, which are crucial to understanding Russia’s post-2014 foreign policy.
Russian tanks

Russian imperialism: Economic and military aspects

Chris Slee — Economic statistics are not the sole basis for deciding if a country is imperialist. We also have to look at factors such as military strength and military interventions abroad.
Protest Russian imperialism

Political imperialism, Putin’s Russia, and the need for a global left alternative: An interview with Ilya Matveev

Ilya Matveev discusses the two logics of imperialism, how they help us explain the different paths that China and Russia took to become imperialist powers, and the left's need for a shared vision of progressive change.
Serbian soldiers

Lenin on Serbia’s role in World War I: A useful analogy for the current Ukraine war?

Michael Pröbsting looks at Lenin’s actual position on the defence of Serbia in World War I and why it is wrong to apply it to the Ukraine War today.
London, 30 March 2022, on the rally calling for a ceasefire in Gaza

Marx’s anti-colonialism, new sub-imperialisms and consistent internationalism in a bipolar world: An interview with Kevin B Anderson

Kevin B. Anderson discusses Marx and Lenin’s writings on imperialism, why the world is becoming more bipolar and the need for consistent anti-imperialism.

Lenin’s contributions to political economy

Raju J Das — Vladimir Lenin made many valuable contributions to Marxist political economy.
Lenin mural

Paul Le Blanc: What would Lenin do today?

Paul Le Blanc asks: is it possible for us to make use of Lenin’s ideas 100 years after his death, and if so — how?
US global capitalism

US empire, global capitalism and the ‘internationalisation’ of states: An interview with Sam Gindin

Sam Gindin discusses the rise of the US empire, its role in creating a truly global capitalism and the challenges it faces today.
Biden Xi

We live in a world of growing imperialist rivalries

Ilya Matveev — Vast shifts in the world economy are driving a new imperialist rivalry, for which a series of regional wars are creating dangerous flash points.

Ukraine’s fight for freedom: A socialist case for solidarity and self‑determination

Paul Le Blanc offers a socialist perspective on the Russia-Ukraine war, arguing for solidarity with Ukraine's fight for self-determination while opposing the imperialist agendas of both Russia and Western powers.
Boris Lenin

Boris Kagarlitsky: Again on Lenin

In his latest letter from a Russian prison, Boris Kagarlitsky addresses why should we, in 2024, find Lenin interesting.
Vladimir Lenin

Lenin’s socialism: Labels and realities

Paul Le Blanc — Lenin's conception of socialism, which he shared with Marx and Engels, with Eugene V. Debs and Rosa Luxemburg, and with many others, remains a possible alternative to capitalism that is worth considering and fighting for.