Balance de elecciones y resistencia en México

Contingente OPT-PYME en un desfile de protesta por la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes.
Mexico: President and his party re-elected; left divided and defeated

Mexico's President Enriqu
Mexico: Elections and resistance

OPT-SME contingent in a parade protesting the disappearance of the 43 students.
Mexico: Caravana nacional del pueblo autóctono yaqui en defensa del agua, tierra, trabajo y vida

A Juventud Anticapitalista canta mientras espera la llegada de la Caravana yaqui.
Mexico: National caravan by Indigenous Yaqui in defence of water, land, work and life

Anticapitalist Youth await Yaqui caravan.
Article and photos by Nevin Siders, Mexico City
Dan La Botz: 'We are all Ayotzniapa!' Mexico crisis deepens

Tens of thousands protes
Mexico: Subcomandante Marcos steps down: What's next for the Zapatistas

Zapatistas observe the 20th anniversary of the 1994 rebellion in January 2014.
Nigeria: Africa’s number one economy -- for wealth evaporation

In 2012, neoliberalism catalysed a nati