
Anticapitalist Youth await Yaqui caravan.

Article and photos by Nevin Siders, Mexico City

Zapatistas observe the 20th anniversary of the 1994 rebellion in January 2014.

Two workers of the 1000-member TRADOC cooperative. The hiring of women in the plant was one of the many gains of worker ownership. Photo by Bob Briggs.

By Jane Slaughter

April 3, 2013 -- Labor Notes -- A tyre is not just a piece of rubber with a hole in it. I learned this when I visited the workers’ cooperative that makes Cooper tyres in El Salto, Mexico. A tyre is a sophisticated product that comes about through a chain of chemical processes, lots of machine pounding, and still the intervention of human hands.

A fervent inspection worker pointed out that every single tyre is tested under road-like conditions, “If not, it could kill people”, he noted. And, he added practically, “keeping the tyres safe saves our jobs”.

Protest against the "imposition" of PRI presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto, July 2012.

"The Zapatistas’ anarchist strategic outlook, with their anti-theory 'no political