Monthly Review (USA)
Τζον Μπέλαμι Φόστερ: Μια οικολογική επανάσταση ενάντια στον καπιταλισμό
The Ecological Revolution, Making Peace with the Planet
John Bellamy Foster
Νέα Υόρκη: Monthly Review Press 2009
σελ. 328.
Του Σάιμον Μπάτλερ*
[Αγγλική εκδοχή σε]
October 20, 2010 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, with the permission of Monthly Review Press, is excited to offer its readers an excerpt from the The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth, an important new book by John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York. Links' readers are urged to purchase the book. Please click here to order your copy. You can download (in PDF) the chapter, "The ecology of consumption", below the following introduction, or read it on screen.
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John Bellamy Foster on Venezuela: Marxism and `vernacular revolutionary traditions'
The following article is the Foreward to the July-August 2010 issue of the US socialist magazine Monthly Revi
John Bellamy Foster on `Marx's Ecology' and `The Ecological Revolution'
John Bellamy Foster interviewed by Aleix Bombila
Michael Lebowitz reviews `The Real Venezuela': Exploring the dialectic of the Bolivarian Revolution
The Real Venezuela: Making Socialism in the 21st Century
By Iain Bruce
London: Pluto Press, 2008, 240 pages
Review by Michael Lebowitz
Monthly Review -- “When Chávez speaks, we listen. But we don’t listen to those around him.” This comment by a community activist interviewed by Iain Bruce, and integrated into his wonderful exploration of the Bolivarian Revolution from below, points to an essential characteristic—the unique link at present (por ahora) between Hugo Chávez and the exploited and excluded of Venezuela.
John Bellamy Foster: The crisis of capital: economy, ecology and empire
From pdxjustice Media Productions on Vimeo.
Professor of sociology and editor of Monthly Review, John Bellamy Foster, talks about the triple crises in the economy, the environment, and the imperial wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond..
John Bellamy Foster: Why ecological revolution?
By John Bellamy Foster
John Bellamy Foster: `We can't shop our way out of the ecological crisis'
John Bellamy Foster Interviewed by Max van Lingen
[This article first appeared at MRZine. A shorter version of this interview appeared in the December issue of the Dutch newspaper The Socialist. The entire interview appears in Dutch at the website of The Socialist. It has been posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission. To read more by John Bellamy Foster, click HERE.]
Max van Lingen: Consciousness about climate change has increased enormously; however, it also seems as if there is a lack of criticism of business and government actions. Instead it appears as if people are thinking: it doesn't really matter why people act, as long as they act.
John Bellamy Foster: `The roots of the world ecological crisis'
October 29, 2009 -- "We have no other word but crisis to describe it, really. It's very different than the economic crisis that we are now in, in the sense that even a very, very severe economic crisis, such as the one that has been present since late 2007 ... still is, in many ways, a cyclical event... These crises are periodic -- it's part of the nature of capitalism...
`Monthly Review' at 60: Six decades of campaigning for `social and ecological revolution'
On September 17, 2009, Monthly Review celebrated its 60th anniversary at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in New York City.
On September 17, 2009, John Bellamy Foster appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss the financial