Engels: Introduction to Karl Marx’s Wage Labor and Capital -1891
By Friedrich Engels
Nepal: Prachanda in New York -- A Maoist vision for a new Nepal
‘A Maoist Vision for a New Nepal' – MP3 recordings of a talk by Nepal's Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dah
Chronicle of an injustice: Summary of the case of the Cuban Five (+ video)
By Leonard Weinglass, attorney for the defence
Scenes from Marx in Soho, by Howard Zinn
Scenes from Howard's Zinn's Marx in Soho (Bob Weick of the Iron Age Theatre appears in videos 2 & 5).
Peter Camejo interviewed in 1976
Peter Camejo is heard here speaking in 1976 on the NBC network when he stood for the US Socialist Workers Party as its presidential candidate.
Source: Jon Flanders.
Federico Fuentes on latest developments in Bolivia
August 27, 2008 – Federico Fuentes, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal's and Green Left
Free West Papua! A video introduction to a struggle for self-determination
Act of Free Choice (directed by Mark Worth)
The so-called ``Act of Free Choice'' was a sham referendum held in 1969 to decide whether Indonesia should govern West Papua. The small sample of indigenous West Papuans selected to vote were threatened with physical voilence if they voted against the Indonesian regime. Of course, they ``voted'' to remain part of Indonesia.