National liberation and Bolshevism re-examined: A view from the borderlands
Bund members and pogrom victims in Odessa, 1905.
Poland: UN climate talks go nowhere -- yet again
By Chris Williams
Poland: Corporate capture of UN climate talks
With corporations--steel giant Arcelor Mittal, General Motors, Emirates, coal companies--sponsoring the UN climate ch
John Riddell: Five precedents for understanding Egypt’s July coup
General L.G. Kornilov, Moscow, August 1917.
By John Riddell
John Paul II: patron saint of anti-modernism
Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) with US President Ronald Reagan.
By Barry Healy
June 7, 2011 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- As part of its attempts to turn back the clock in the Catholic Church the Vatican drew 1.5 million of the devout to Rome on May 1 for the beatification ceremony of Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II. John Paul II may become the fastest declared saint in history.
The Vatican is also pushing the canonisation of Pius XII, who was pope during World War II.
While attention has been drawn to John Paul II’s woeful record on the issue of sexual abuse within the church little has been said about the reasons for the rush to beatification and sainthood.
Borges: W kierunku demokratyzacji i jedności ruchu robotniczego
ostatnich wyborach w związku zawodowym Narodowa Unia Sił
Nauczycielskich (Sindicato Nacional Fuerza Magisterial, Sinafum),
skupiającym istotną część nauczycieli, zdecydowane zwycięstwo odniósł
Orlando Pérez, zwolennik pozostania Sinafum w federacji związkowej
Narodowa Unia Robotników (Unión Nacional de Trabajadores, UNT). Wybory
ogłoszono także w Krajowej Federacji Pracowników Sektora Publicznego
(Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Sector Empleados Públicos,
Fentrasep), do której należy około 90 proc. urzędników. Mają się one
odbyć 1 października. Komisja Krajowa UNT wyznaczyła w sierpniu kongres
i wybór nowych władz. Te informacje, podobnie jak pogłębianie się
procesu rewolucyjnego, to świetne wiadomości dla wenezuelskich
`Freedoms won, freedoms lost' -- left views on the fall of the Berlin Wall
November 15, 2009 – For the past few weeks the international capitalist mass media has been awa
The Holocaust: `May history attest to us' -- resistance, collaboration and survival
Hitler’s Priests, by Kevin Spicer, Northern Illinois University Press, 2008, 369 pp. US$34.95
Who Will Write Our History? Emanuel Ringelblum, the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Oyneg Shabes Archive, by Samuel D. Kassow, Indiana University Press, 2007, 523 pP., US$34.95
Kasztner’s Train: the True Story of an Unknown Hero of the Holocaust, by Anna Porter, Scribe, 2008, 548 pp., A$32.95
The Complete Maus: A Survivor’s Tale, Art Spiegelman, Pantheon, 1996, 296 pp., US$35.
Review by Barry Healy
July 28, 2009 -- In October 2008 the Catholic Synod of Bishops convened in Rome for a four-day theological discussion. Without warning, on the first day, Pope Benedict XVI suspended discussion and ordered the 200 participants to attend a special commemoration mass for Pius XII, who was the pope between 1939 and 1958.