Socialist Left Movement MES

Speakers, agenda announced for Ecosocialism 2024: Book your tickets now!
Federico Fuentes — Ecosocialism 2024, to be held on Australia’s west coast, will be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences with activists from around the Indo-Pacific region and discuss how we can collectively campaign against war and climate catastrophe.

Socialist Left Movement (Brazil): 8th national conference — An important step forward
Bruno Magalhâes & Israel Dutra — The conference represented a new milestone for the Socialist Left Movement amid Brazil’s current challenges.

Socialist Left Movement (MES): For an independent and anti-capitalist PSOL
The following thesis has been submitted by the Socialist Left Movement (MES) and its allies for discussion at the PSOL's 8th Congress.

Israel Dutra, of the Brazilian Socialist Left Movement (MES) within the Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL), speaks to Federico Fuentes about Putin’s war and Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s peace proposal. Dutra also discusses the twin challenge facing the international left today: inter-imperialist rivalry and combating the extreme right.