
Behind the Kiev/NATO war on the people of eastern Ukraine

Market in Luhansk hit by Ukraine government shelling, August 2014.

David Mandel: Understanding the conflict in Ukraine

Ukraines' President Petro Poroshenko (second from left) greets US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Comment: Prospects for an anti-war/solidarity movement in Ukraine and Russia

Anti-war protest in Chernivtsi, western Ukraine, July 23, 2014.

Boris Kagarlitsky: Eastern Ukraine people’s republics between militias and oligarchs

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal has published various left viewpoints from the regi

Ukraine: Proposed Communist Party ban threatens democratic rights

August 14, 2014 – Real News Network – Ukrainian sociologist Volodymyr Ish

Ukraine: As Kiev military inflicts fresh bloodshed in east, Australia pushes Western intervention

Ukraine government troops mass for an offensive in the east in A

Barry Sheppard: Some comments on the debate around Ukraine

An unguided Ukrainian government Grad rocket hit the house of V