Ukraine: MH17 tragedy shows need for peace, not warmongering
There needs to be a ceasefire and negotiated solution to the conflict.
Ukraine: Despite MH17 disaster, Kyiv regime escalates shelling of east
A villager surveys his home wrecked by shelling in Semyonovka
'No to the war in eastern Ukraine!' Declarations of the Yalta anti-war conference
Ukraine army in Kramatorsk.
Ukraine’s fractures: Interview with Volodymyr Ishchenko in 'New Left Review'
Volodymyr Ishchenko.
Far-right militia parade openly in Kyiv.
Fourth International statement on Ukraine: 'Popular movement and imperialisms'
Maidan square, Keiv, December 2013.
Ceasefire in Ukraine? The battle of the ‘peacemakers’
A Ukrainian army shell explodes in e
Discussion: The 'Russia is imperialist' thesis is wrong
See also Chris Slee's "Discussion
A class analysis of the Ukrainian crisis
US Republican and Democrat politicians on the stage at the Maidan Square.