Ukraine: 'Rather the useful idiot, than the worthless genius'
Real News Network, May 28, 2014 – Political economist and socialist Aleksandr Buzgalin di
National liberation and Bolshevism re-examined: A view from the borderlands

Bund members and pogrom victims in Odessa, 1905.
Crimea: Be wary of attempts to use rights of Tatars to justify violence and war

A Crimean Tatar protester hold
Ukraine: 'Socialist prospects in south-eastern Ukraine'

Links International Journal of Socialis
Ukraine: Popular rebellion deepens in the east and south

Voters cast ballots in eastern Ukraine's autonomy referendum on May 11, 2014.
Ucrania: Las cenizas de Odessa

[In English at
Boris Kagarlitsky: The ashes of Odessa

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal has
Boris Kagarlitsky on eastern Ukraine: The logic of a revolt

Major anti-Kiev protests in eastern Ukraine, according t
Ukraine: A call for solidarity against the neo-fascist violence of 'Black Friday'

House of Trade Unions under attack in Odessa on May 2, 2014.