US imperialism

War in eastern Ukraine and the new Cold War

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

Syrian rebels overwhelmingly condemn US bombing as an attack on revolution

Aftermath of the latest US airstrikes on Syria.

NATO’s new cold war redraws left, liberal views on imperialism and war

The right-wing Canadian government endorsed a "

Behind the Kiev/NATO war on the people of eastern Ukraine

Market in Luhansk hit by Ukraine government shelling, August 2014.

Israel and the coming Arab revolution

Massive destruction of Gaza by Israel has left Palestinians devastated.

Tariq Ali: The US global empire (video)


July 29, 2014 –

Israel the aggressor, not Gazans; Condemn Israel’s violence, not Palestinian resistance

Young opponents of Israel's war of terror protest, in Sydney, August 2, 2014. Photo by Susan Price.