United States: Buckeye Socialist Network launched

By Micah O'Canain

January 2011 – Against The Current – The 2010 Dan La Botz Socialist for Senate campaign in Ohio represents an important success in the recent context of leftist third-party initiatives. Running the first Socialist Party campaign for national office in Ohio since 1936, La Botz garnered 25,368 votes statewide, one of the more successful socialist electoral bids in decades. This experience provides some important lessons for how the left can engage the electoral arena in this period.

We talked to thousands of Ohio voters about socialist ideas, many for the first time. The campaign was also a catalyst for left unity in the state, bringing together activists from a number of social movements and organisations to work on a common project. We are following up with the formation of the Buckeye Socialist Network, whose first campaign “Defend Ohio” will focus on fighting cuts to public services and education, as well as protecting the collective bargaining rights of public employees under attack, by the incoming reactionary Republican governor John Kasich (see http://www.solidarity-us.org/current/node/3116).

Several factors, both in Ohio and at the national level, created favourable conditions for a socialist campaign. A court ruling overturning Ohio’s anti-democratic restrictions on third parties gave us an opening to gain ballot access with only 500 signatures.

The ongoing recession and its impact on working people’s lives — especially in Ohio, which was already hemorrhaging jobs before the crisis due to ongoing systematic deindustrialisation — opened a layer of voters receptive to ideas and alternatives coming from outside the two capitalist parties.

Further, among progressive Democratic Party voters there is a deep disillusionment with the failure of the administration of US President Barack Obama to carry through any meaningful change in the country’s direction. This low enthusiasm meant that progressives’ loyalty to the Democratic Party was not as much of a barrier during this election cycle as it usually is to left third party campaigns.

The frustration of progressive Democrats was a significant factor in this Senate race in particular. Jennifer Brunner, the outgoing secretary of state and the more liberal of the two Democratic Party Senate candidates, lost in the primary to establishment politician Lee Fisher.

The dissatisfaction with Fisher among progressives even prompted one former Brunner campaign organiser to join the La Botz team. And in the general election, as Fisher fell further and further behind the Republican, any fear of a left candidate being a “spoiler” became a non-issue.

Presenting an alternative

The emergence of the right-wing Tea Party movement and the general rightward shift in political discourse created an urgent need to articulate a left alternative. Thus far, the left has largely been unable to capitalise on the widespread confusion and anger that working people feel.

Our efforts to respond to the Tea Party from the left intrigued many of the voters we met. Most had never heard anyone talk about socialist solutions before.

The resurgence of the right opened up a debate around the word “socialism”, as accusations of Obama secretly being a “socialist” created the space for a discussion about what socialism really means. In fact, Dan La Botz noted that young people, if they weren’t particularly interested when first approached, often became receptive upon  hearing the “S” word.

In presenting the campaign message at candidates’ forums, door-to-door canvassing, campus and community meetings and in the media, we tried to talk to people in a down-to-earth way that gave voice to the concerns and struggles that working people in Ohio face. We wanted not to talk abstractly about the evils of capitalism, but instead relate to people’s lived experience.

The campaign platform focused on three central problems: the economic crisis, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the brewing environmental catastrophe. Throughout the campaign we also emphasised how the Democrats have failed to address any of these issues in any meaningful way. We always highlighted the importance of political action independent of the Democratic Party and the need to begin forging a movement that can give voice to the interests of working-class people.

When Dan La Botz, a longtime member of the socialist organisation Solidarity, was approached by members of the Ohio Socialist Party to be the SP’s Senate candidate, the party had only a few members and lacked statewide infrastructure. The campaign began in Spring 2010 with a handful of activists collecting the necessary petition signatures for ballot access.

Building connections

We essentially then had to build a campaign organisation from scratch, starting with the small group of supporters we had pulled together during the petitioning phase. These activists organised house meetings, where they invited fellow activists, friends and family into their homes to hear Dan speak about the campaign. These clusters of supporters became the basis for campaign committees in Ohio’s four largest cities: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus and Toledo.

Establishing these committees enabled us to reach nearly every region of the state. These local supporters organised speaking events, distributed literature at neighbourhood markets, festivals and community events, and also helped us build ties with progressive organisations in the cities, creating a small statewide network.

The campaign also reached out to progressive and radical student groups on campuses across the state. The organisations and individuals spread the campaign message to students through hosting La Botz to speak on campus, as well as through leafleting at their schools and in the surrounding communities. At Oberlin College, for example, La Botz received 20% of the student vote.

Given the level of youth mobilisation around the campaign, students from across the state took the opportunity to have a one-day conference of student activists, with panels on the areas of work they are involved in, including the environmental movement, student/labor solidarity, and LGBTQ rights.

Participants were enthusiastic and optimistic about the prospects for working together beyond the election. Tyler Barton of Young Democratic Socialists said of the gathering, “It’s great to see how this campaign has brought together student activists from so many different backgrounds and led to the creation of an organization that will last beyond election day.”

Attendees at the conference’s closing plenary created the Ohio Young Progressives network and committed to engaging in more coordinated work together, with the goal of holding a similar conference in 2011.

Left unity

An exciting aspect of the campaign was that a number of socialist organisations came together to work on it as a common project. Members of the Socialist Party, Solidarity, the International Socialist Organization, Democratic Socialists of America and Young Democratic Socialists all collaborated. For example, in Toledo members from three different socialist groups, as well as unaffiliated activists, canvassed nearly 500 houses together one Sunday afternoon.

Seeing left organisations working together so closely at the ground level was encouraging, and hopefully the relationships forged during the campaign will be a basis for more shared work.

In the buildup to the October 2, 2010, rally in Washington D.C., the campaign announced that we would be mobilising our supporters to go to the rally as a “Socialist Contingent”. The ISO and other groups responded to this call, expanding it into a broader, national contingent. Subsequently, nearly 500 members from half a dozen socialist organisations marched together in D.C. Following the rally, we met at a pub where a packed audience listened to a panel discussion featuring Dan La Botz. All the organisations involved are eager to continue the “Socialist Contingent” project

Moving forward

We certainly do not want to lose the momentum stirred up by the campaign. For those who are unaffiliated, we are encouraging them to join the socialist organisation that best fits them. We also aim to create an umbrella network which includes all of these organisations and individuals, continuing to deepen left unity in Ohio.

But while promoting left unity is certainly important, the more crucial task for us is to reach out to the millions of working Americans who are not part of the left. On a small scale, our campaign succeeded in talking to thousands of Ohioans about socialism, many for the first time. and the response was surprisingly positive.

Gary Hunter of Cleveland said of his experience leafleting, “I was stunned at how receptive people were to our openly socialist platform of jobs for all, ending the wars and [for] single-payer health care. People seemed genuinely interested in solutions coming from left of the Democrats.”

We made an effort to engage African Americans and Latinos in particular. Although unfortunately we were not able to cultivate a base in these communities, when leafleting some of the most enthusiastic responses and conversations were from people of colour.

Dan did speak at three NAACP meetings. Campaign supporters also distributed leaflets at African-American cultural events such as the Black Family Reunion, an annual festival in Cincinnati.

The campaign was also not able to sink roots into the labour movement. While many of our most active supporters were union members, labour officialdom’s relationship to the Democratic Party was a barrier to connecting with unions. Our weaknesses in drawing in these essential constituencies highlight the need to continue to find ways to make and deepen such connections.

We have learned that socialists need not be so reluctant to engage the public with our ideas in an explicit way. While the forces of the anti-capitalist left are clearly meagre and marginal, more people in this country share our values than we recognise and an increasing number are receptive to an alternative from the left.

In summing up the campaign, La Botz said, “The principal lesson of this campaign is that socialists can go out into American society and talk about their values, their principles, and their program. We have an opportunity to educate about socialism and to build the socialist movement.”

The economic crisis has thus far not provoked significant resistance to the renewed offensive against the working class, but it has created an ideological opening, and we on the left need to take advantage

[This article first appeared in Against the Current 150, January-February 2011.]

'Campaign a great success': Dan La Botz, Ohio Socialist Party candidate for US Senate

November 10, 2010 – Dan La Botz for Senate blog – “The Socialist Party campaign for the US Senate in Ohio was a great success. We won more than 25,000 votes for socialism in Ohio”, said Dan La Botz the 65-year old school teacher, writer and activist and the party’s candidate for Senator. "We didn't win in traditional terms, but this was not a traditional campaign. The corporate parties want working people to wake up think about politics only on election day, and then they want them to go back to sleep. This campaign was about creating an ongoing movement to build power to transform our society.”

Explaining his satisfaction with the outcome of the election, La Botz said, “These were 25,000 votes for ending corporate domination of our society, for ending capitalism’s booms and busts, and for creating economic security and a full-employment economy. These were votes for ending the use of coal and stopping mountain-top removal—while providing support for miners and power plant workers during a period of transition. These were votes for peace, votes to get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan now. These were votes to tax the rich to pay for health, education, transportation and housing. We are very happy with the result.”

Only Socialist Party presidential candidates Eugene V. Debs in the period from 1900s to 1920s and Norman Thomas in the period from the 1920s to the 1940s won more votes for socialism in Ohio than La Botz.

Asked why the Socialist Party did so well in the election, compared to other socialist candidates in the past, La Botz said, “First, we’ve are in a terrible economic crisis and people are looking for alternatives. Then the Tea Party attack on Obama led to a great national debate about socialism. We were able to explain to Ohio voters that democratic socialism means the American people n needs of working people rather than on the needs of corporate CEOs, corporate boards, and their investors. Socialism is about rebuilding the labor unions and social movements so that working people have the power to push aside the corporate parties and run the country in the interest of the majority.”

La Botz said the party had used its resources wisely. “We used the $10,000 we raised to travel 15,000 miles around Ohio, to distribute tens of thousands of pieces of literature, to talk to thousands of Ohioans about socialism. We were able to do this because we had built an organization in cities and on college campuses throughout the state. We brought together senior citizens, working age adults, and college students. Our organisation was made up of peace activists, LGBT activists, environmental activists and labour union members from teachers to teamsters. We united half a dozen small socialist groups in this campaign”, La Botz explained.

“Many people recognise that the Republicans and Democrats, representing the corporations as they do, cannot resolve the country’s problems in the interest of working people. My Socialist Party campaign was part of a long-term project to build a working peoples’ party in this country. Our efforts will in the long run coalesce with those of others around the country to build a working class socialist movement. We aim to turn the country upside down, to put working people and the poor on top. And we’re going to do it.”

“The campaign is over, but the struggle continues”, said the former steelworker, truck driver and college professor. “We will continue to organise to fight for jobs, for a green economy, for immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, and for equality and justice for all. We will continue to resist the scapegoating of Latino immigrants, Muslims, gays and African Americans. We will continue to fight the corporations and government policies. We continue to operate on the theory that working people make this country run, and that working people should run the country.”

Dan La Botz won almost half his votes in Ohio’s three largest cities:

Urban area

Dan La Botz for US Senate—Ohio
DanLaBotz.com // contact@danlabotz.com // P.O. Box 19136, Cincinnati OH 45210-99


(1) The BSN is a major concrete step for creating a left alliance in Ohio, even if only 23 activists have set it up. Thousands can stand behind them. It should be seen as a paradigm for other U.S. states, esp. at this juncture of a tidal wave of cutbacks in state services across the U.S. Ohio epitomizes that: http://www.socialistwebzine.org/2011/01/hundreds-rally-against-kasich-i…

(2) And revitalizing the Socialist Party USA in Ohio and other states both as a movement and an electoral presence is also a paradigm for other U.S. states.

The SP USA is multi-tendency, unlike most of the miniscule neo-Leninist 'cadre' groupings on the American left. SOLIDARITY is a seasoned but small organization with a strong libertarian democratic socialist position that can readily help build the SP USA in a socialist network or alliance in Ohio, in New York state, in Massachusetts. In helping to build the SP, Solidarity can also expand its own sparse ranks. The Socialist Alliance in Australia is one model maybe Ohio activists can learn from.

But the unfolding openness of American voters to socialist ideas runs into the wall of the reactionary organization (and political economy) of U.S. electoral politics, where any third force is almost doomed from the start -- EXCEPT AT THE MUNICIPAL LEVEL. That is where some actual 'victories' may be possible.

The SP of America led by Debs built its most powerful base in Milwaukee 100 years ago. Emil Seidel was the first of the 'sewer socialist' mayors of Milwaukee (1910-1912). Socialist Victor Berger was elected from that district (5th Congressional) to the US Congress 1911-1913, 1923-29. Victor's wife Meta wrote an autobiography that is well worth reading: A Milwaukee Woman's Life on the Left: The Autobiography of Meta Berger. Here a good site on Wisconsin socialism: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/tp-043/

Along with statewide activity and presence, could a strong socialist node uniting behind SP Ohio be built in some Ohio city, even a smaller urban area like Youngstown, Canton or Akron? Or a university town like Athens, Ohio? Reasonable question for a Buckeye Socialist Network.

This campaign serves as a good example of the ways the left can unite around a specific project with a designated aim without having to merge or form groupings of groups so vastly different from each other than a split is born from day one.


Not a comment but a question. Is there a Socialist group that meets in Akron, Ohio or surrounding communities? Thanks.