A youth raises his middle finger while riding public transportation in Caracas, Venezuela on September 7, 2023 © Maxwell Briceño.

Postcard from a Venezuelan feminist in Caracas

Ariadna Mogollón — Venezuela is not the same country it was in 2017, or 2018 when there was a very intense economic crisis due to the blockade imposed by the US. There has been an economic recovery, but its a recovery that has deepened class divisions.
Israel Lebanon border

Gilbert Achcar: ‘Israel has openly threaten to transform parts of Lebanon into another Gaza’

Gilbert Achcar — Since Israel has basically completed the most intensive stage of its destruction in Gaza, it is now turning against Hezbollah to secure its northern border.
bombing Southern Lebanon

Gilbert Achcar: Hezbollah’s miscalculation

Gilbert Achcar — The truth is that Hezbollah fell into the trap set for it by Israel, through its insistence on continuing to exchange fire “until a ceasefire in Gaza”, while it became clear that the battle was shifting from the wracked Strip to Lebanon.
Putin meeting with Russian capitalists

Class analysis and Russian imperialism: A response to Ilya Matveev

Dmitry Pozhidaev — By focusing on ideology and Putin’s personal motivations, Matveev overlooks class dynamics and the material interests of Russia’s capitalist class, which are crucial to understanding Russia’s post-2014 foreign policy.
South African workers

South Africa: The populist threat and the response of the left

Amandla! — The ANC-DA Alliance is more deeply committed to neoliberalism than even its predecessors. The need for a consolidated voice of the working class and the poor is greater than ever.
Israel bombing in Baalbek

Stop the spread of Israel’s genocidal war into Lebanon!

Kevin B. Anderson — On Israel’s brutal assassinations, its colonialist arrogance, and the limitations of Hezbollah’s model of resistance.
Global Capitalism’s Extermination Impulse

Gaza genocide: A glimpse into global capitalism’s extermination impulse

William I Robinson — The unspeakable savagery of the unfolding genocide in Gaza and the absolute impunity of the Israeli genocidists and their Western sponsors have sparked a global intifada of solidarity with Palestine.
Anura Kumara Dissanayake

Comrade President? Change and continuity in Sri Lanka

Balasingham Skanthakumar — Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s victory on 21 September as the candidate of the centre-left National People’s Power (NPP) coalition is highly significant for symbolic and substantive reasons.
CPIML MCC merger rally

The MCC-CPI(ML) unification: Convergence of two legacies and trajectories of the Communist movement in India

Dipankar Bhattacharya — The merger of the Marxist Coordination Committee into the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) has been greatly welcomed by the broad left ranks across the country.
Fredric Jameson

Boris Kagarlitsky: Obituary for Fredric Jameson (1934-2024)

Boris Kagarlitsky — While in prison, I have received several messages regarding the passing of colleagues. Now, news has arrived about the death of Fredric Jameson, the author of seminal works on the culture of late capitalism.
Russian tanks

Russian imperialism: Economic and military aspects

Chris Slee — Economic statistics are not the sole basis for deciding if a country is imperialist. We also have to look at factors such as military strength and military interventions abroad.
Protest Russian imperialism

Political imperialism, Putin’s Russia, and the need for a global left alternative: An interview with Ilya Matveev

Ilya Matveev discusses the two logics of imperialism, how they help us explain the different paths that China and Russia took to become imperialist powers, and the left's need for a shared vision of progressive change.