Give Greece a chance

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Venezuela and Greece strengthen partnerships

Venezuela's foreign minister Delcy Rodriguez (right) and Greece's foreign minister Nikos Kotzias.

David Renton: On SYRIZA and the Independent Greeks; and compromises and alliances

"The migration minister is Tasia Christodoulopoulou, doyenne of Greek migrants’ lawyers – the equivalent in England of giving our unreconstructed CLR James-ite Ian Macdonald the job."

Click for more on SYRIZA

By David Renton

March 7, 2015 -- Lives; Running, posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission -- Six weeks ago, when SYRIZA formed a coalition with the Independent Greeks (ANEL) the most common view among my friends was that this was SYRIZA’s first betrayal and that others would inevitably follow.

Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's responsibilities

Learn to swim, comrade
Because the tide is rising
Because freedom will be happening around here