Álvaro García Linera: A message to the left of Europe and the world

Álvaro García Linera at the congress of the European left in Madrid on December 14, 2013.

By Álvaro García Linera, translated by Marie-Rose Ardiaca

Venezuela: Coups, media and stalemates -- what the violent right-wing protests mean

Thousands of Chavistas marched through central Merida on February 12.

No a la violencia y provocaciones de la extrema derecha en Venezuela!

¡Alto a la guerra de los medios en contra de la revolución bolivariana!

[In English at http://links.org.au/node/3709.

No to far-right violence and provocations in Venezuela!

Opposition protesters with slingshots during clashes on February 12. Photo by Angel de Jesús/AVN.

Bosnia’s magnificent uprising: Heralding a new era of class politics?

Mass protest in Tuzla, February 7, 2014.

By Michael Karadjis

Please help Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal: Donate to the GLW fund appeal

BREAKING NEWS, February 20, 2014 – This morning one of our long-time subscribers, Arthur, pledged $1000 to our Special 1000th Issue Fund Appeal – taking us over $100,000 target.

Venezuela: The political economy of inflation and investment strikes

Hugo Chavez addresses oil workers in 2007, pushing for more national control of the country's oil.