India Palestine

Israel-Palestine conflict: Why India must stand with Palestine

Akash Bhattacharya — India has historically identified with the anti-imperial and decolonial cause of Palestine. However, ties have grown by leaps and bounds, especially under Modi and Netanyahu.
Biden and Netanyahu

Imperial designs: The United States and Israel’s war on Gaza

Oliver Eagleton — Since the Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October and the ensuing assault on Gaza, the Biden administration has performed what is euphemistically described as a ‘balancing act’.
Afghan refugees

Stop the deportations: Solidarity statement with Afghans in Pakistan

We, the undersigned concerned individuals, scholars, policy-makers, activists, and organisations reject the government of Pakistan’s deportation plans and stand in solidarity with Afghans in Pakistan – and elsewhere.
Socialism 2023

Malaysia: Rise, Resist, Revolt — Socialism 2023 conference

Socialism International is a biannual conference organized by Parti Sosialis Malaysia
Ukrainian letter of solidarity with Palestinian people

Ukrainian letter of solidarity with Palestinian people

We, Ukrainian researchers, artists, political and labour activists, members of civil society stand in solidarity with people of Palestine who for 75 years have been subjected and resisted Israeli military occupation, separation, settler colonial violence, ethnic cleansing, land dispossession and apartheid.
Malalai Joya

‘Education is key to the emancipation of Afghanistan’: An interview with Malalai Joya

In 2021, Malalai Joya, under threat from the re-imposed Taliban regime, was forced to leave Afghanistan and live in exile. In this wide-ranging interview, she discusses the background to the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the shape of resistance today.
Women poland

Poland: Women and youth mobilise to vote out reaction

Szymon Martys — Poland held elections on October 15 that ended the eight-year, two-term rule of the incumbent Law and Justice party and the United Right political alliance centred on it.
Palestine land loss

What does LandBack have to do with the war against Palestine?

Don Fitz argues that there is a strong connection between the criminal occupation of Palestine and the LandBack movement.
Palestine protest

Fourth International: In solidarity with people's struggles against unbridled imperialism, for the liberation of the peoples and saving the environment

Fourth International — The wars we are facing are linked to the global crisis of capitalism and the resulting headlong rush into conflict between rival imperialist powers.

Bidenomics and the left

First published at

“There’s something happening here
But what it is ain’t exactly clear.”

– “For What It’s Worth,” Buffalo Springfield.

Charlie 1

Marxist crisis theory: Why capitalism fails

Charlie Post reviews the three main radical and Marxian theories — under-consumption, profit squeeze, and the falling rate of profit — to determine their theoretical consistency, factual accuracy and political implications.

Two Gaza scenarios: Greater Israel vs. Oslo

Gilbert Achcar — A ground invasion appears imminent, but what is the political endgame?