
North and East Syria between imperialisms

Sarah Glynn — Turkey, Iran, and President Assad’s government are in competition for control over the land of Syria, but there is one thing they all agree on: control should not be in the hands of the people who live there, especially if they are Kurds with dangerous ideas about radical democracy.
Lenin statute

Lenin on national rights: Lessons for interpreting the Ukraine war

Renfrey Clarke — Few questions of international politics have seen the Western left as sharply divided as the war in Ukraine. But there is no good reason why Marxists, with the writings of Vladimir Lenin at their disposal, should lack clarity on how to analyse the war.
Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev

Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev: Pioneering Bolshevik theorist of imperialism, national liberation and socialism

Rohini Hensman — Given his prominence as a high-ranking Bolshevik, Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev is very little known. This is a pity, because there is much we can learn from his writings as well as his practice even today.
Russian invasion

Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

A momentous development has drawn my attention away from the unfolding climate catastrophe on which I have been riveted.

Munich rally

European Left leaders on Ukraine: Not even a hint of solidarity

Murray Smith — Throughout history, solidarity has helped achieve the only possible acceptable peace — one guaranteeing defeat of the aggressor and the victim to live free of the threat of renewed assault. That must be the goal of the European Left in relation to Ukraine.
Ukraine map

Ukraine: US proxy war in crisis

Dave Holmes — Ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, NATO has been calling the shots, fighting a proxy war against Russia on Ukrainian territory, using NATO arms, training, intelligence, “volunteers” and advisers, with Ukrainians as expendable cannon fodder on the ground.
AAP rally

India: The Aam Aadmi Party, neoliberalism and the working class

In April 2022, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) demolished several homes in the slums of Jahangirpuri. Corporation bulldozers received some media attention, which displayed devastating visuals of people’s homes being razed to dust.

PLM Congress

Partido Lakas ng Masa (The Philippines): Platform of the Government of the Masses

This document, adopted by the Party of the Labouring Masses, outlines the urgent demands of the masses, the transitional socialist platform of the Government of the Masses, and the socialist principles and lessons that guide the building of socialism in the Philippines.
Left Bloc

In Portugal, the left is rebuilding

A conversation with former Bloco de Esquerda MP Beatriz Gomes Dias.

Sudan's tragedy: Could it happen elsewhere?

Namaa Al-Mahdi — The new commodity that the world powers are interested in is human-free land, to enable exploitation and expansion of neo-colonial interests. This is what is happening in Sudan.
BRICS global GDP

Imperialism, the Long Depression and the BRICS illusion: Interview with Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts talks about the realities of imperialism today and how much — or, rather, how little — has changed since Vladimir Lenin wrote his book on the subject.
Against the Japanese-Australian air drills Komatsu Air Base, August 23

Akira Kato, Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction): ‘The government is taking advantage of Russia’s invasion to convert Japan into a big military power’

Akira Kato discusses rising US-China tensions in the Asia-Pacific, Japan’s attempts to transform itself into a regional military power, the conflicts over Ukraine and Taiwan and building mass anti-war struggles today.