Leila Khaled graffiti

Let Leila Khaled speak in Australia! Statements in support of a Palestinian revolutionary icon

The Australian government, Zionist organisations and right-wing media outlets are campaigning to stop Palestinian revolutionary icon Leila Khaled from addressing Ecosocialism 2024.
Max Chandler-Mather

Australian Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather: ‘We should take every chance to deliver our message for working people’

Max Chandler-Mather talks about the various ways they have sought to reach out, engage in a dialogue with, and organise people around the housing crisis and more broadly.
Marx in the Anthropocene. Towards the Idea of Degrowth communism

Marx, communism and degrowth: On Kohei Saito’s ‘Marx in the Anthropocene’

Daniel Tanuro — In ‘Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism’, Kohei Saito showed how the mature Marx had broken with productivism. His new book, ‘Marx in the Anthropocene’, continues the reflection.
I International Antifascist Conference

I International Antifascist Conference: May 17-19, Porto Alegre, Brazil

From the initiative of PSOL and PT from Rio Grande do Sul, we call on international anti-fascist movements to open a dialogue that can confront the destruction that is being carried out by the far right.
We will not be silenced

Open letter to the Israeli and US governments and others weaponizing the issue of rape

In its current war against the people of Gaza, the Israeli government has chosen to weaponize the issue of sexual violence for political outcome.
First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O’Neill and Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald speak at a Foreign Press Association briefing in London, 8 February 2024.

Ireland: On the road to reunification?

Tommy Greene — With Michelle O’Neill as First Minister of Northern Ireland, a United Ireland could finally be within reach.

Ireland and Ukraine’s struggle for independence 1916 –23

Ireland and Ukraine had similar challenges in the period 1916 – 1923. Conor Kostick and Vladyslav Starodubtsev answer questions about the period and compare the experiences of the left in that era.
Boris Kagarlitsky petition

Petition: Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all other Russian anti-war political prisoners!

The sham trial of Dr Kagarlitsky is the latest in a wave of brutal repression against the left-wing movements in Russia.
Mikhail Lobanov

Russian socialist Mikhail Lobanov: ‘We are sure that at this “election”, millions will cast a protest vote’

Mikhail Lobanov discusses the Just World/Peace campaign that is seeking to disrupt the staged presidential elections taking place in Russia between March 15-17.
Just World Just Peace Russia

Russia: For a Just World/Just Peace Manifesto

The following manifesto has been issued by Just World/Just Peace, a new left-wing initiative seeking to disrupt the staged presidential elections that will take place between March 15-17.
KPRF candidate

Russia: Putin’s plebiscite, Russia’s ‘Left‘ and Russia’s Left

Ernest Reid — The post-Soviet capitalist regime has been central to the gradual destruction of Russia’s Left. Nevertheless, the emerging new cohort of leftists offers hope for the future.