Eyewitness Donetsk: War and displaced persons in Ukraine and Haiti

"Pioneer" camp director Svetlana and Dr.
Spain: 'Barcelona Together' and the fight for people-first city councils

Conversation in the Reina Sofia Museum Square, Madrid, attended by various left coalitions standing in the May 24 municipal polls.
EE UU: Cooperación sin precedentes en la izquierda

Por Dan La Botz
[English at http://links.org.au/node/4412.]
Aotearoa/New Zealand: Unite Union's fast-food workers take on corporations and win!

Unite fast-food delegates at a national gath
Syria: Rojava offers a way forward

[For more on the struggle of the Kurdish people, click HERE.]
By Tony Iltis
May 9, 2015 -- Green Left Weekly, posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- War planes from the US and its allies bombed the village of Birmehli in northern Syria on the night of April 30. US Central Command spokesperson Major Curtis Kellogg claimed that at least 50 fighters from the self-styled Islamic State (IS) group were killed and there was “no indication that any civilians were killed”.
Spartacus: rebel or 'proto-communist'?
The slave revolt led by Spartacus shook the Roman world to its foundations and, although a failure, has inspired the oppressed for centuries.
Reino de España: 24 M, prólogo para australianos

[English at http://links.org.au/node/4417]
Por Dick Nichols, Barcelona