Ukraine: MH17 tragedy shows need for peace, not warmongering

There needs to be a ceasefire and negotiated solution to the conflict.
Marta Harnecker: El Salvador, a new progressive hope in Latin America

Salvador Sanchez Ceren.
Ukraine: Despite MH17 disaster, Kyiv regime escalates shelling of east

A villager surveys his home wrecked by shelling in Semyonovka, in Luhansk district. Image from BBC.
Spain: Podemos MEP Pablo Iglesias condemns 'hijacking of democracy' by big business
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'No to the war in eastern Ukraine!' Declarations of the Yalta anti-war conference

Ukraine army in Kramatorsk. Photo Ukraine government.
Slovenia: Radical left wins surprise fourth place in early election

Anti-privatisation protest during United Left Coalition's campaign.

[English at]
以色列政府利用三名以色列少年被杀害的事件,煽动针对巴勒斯坦人及加沙哈马斯政府的种族主义憎恨情绪。这是在没有提出任何证据证明凶手的情况下作出 的举动,挑起了肆意暴力对待巴勒斯坦人的运动,并导致一名巴勒斯坦少年被酷刑折磨及活活烧死。现在以色列当局还对加沙的平民展开更加肆意妄为的复仇行动。 集体惩罚是违反国际人道法的行为。
United States: ISO conference backs red-green alliances, rethinks feminism

There were 1450 registered participants at the Socialism 2014 conference.