Alexis Tsipras' program for the European Commission presidency: 'A mandate for hope and change'

Programmatic declaration of Alexis Tsipras, candidate of the Party of the European Left for the presidency of the European Commission

The following document was

The life of African-American socialist Hubert Harrison: a discussion with Jeffrey B. Perry

Doug Enaa Greene in discussion with historian Jeffrey B. Perry (above).

Álvaro García Linera: A message to the left of Europe and the world

Álvaro García Linera at the congress of the European left in Madrid on December 14, 2013.

By Álvaro García Linera, translated by Marie-Rose Ardiaca

Venezuela: Coups, media and stalemates -- what the violent right-wing protests mean

Thousands of Chavistas marched through central Merida on February 12.

No a la violencia y provocaciones de la extrema derecha en Venezuela!

¡Alto a la guerra de los medios en contra de la revolución bolivariana!

[In English at

No to far-right violence and provocations in Venezuela!

Opposition protesters with slingshots during clashes on February 12. Photo by Angel de Jesús/AVN.

Bosnia’s magnificent uprising: Heralding a new era of class politics?

Mass protest in Tuzla, February 7, 2014.

By Michael Karadjis