Britain: Looking back in anger -- the miners’ strike 30 years on

January 5, 2014 – Anticapitalist Initiative – With new papers released by the
Scottish Socialists respond to government's independence proposals
December 7, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Colin Fox, Scottish Socialist P
Belgium: Left parties to form united electoral ticket
[For more on Belgium, click HERE.]
Statement by the LCR-SAP secretariat
United States: In 2013, workers tried new angles and alliances

North Carolinians mobilised against an anti-worker (and anti-woman, anti-civil rights) legislative assault by bringing thousan
Luxemburg, Lenin, Levi: Rethinking revolutionary history
Part 1. John Riddell. Parts 2 and 3 below.
Reminiscences of Nelson Mandela and the US anti-apartheid movement
Ike Nahem at the memorial for Soweto martyrs.
See also "Cuba and the South African anti-apartheid struggle".
Democratic Left Front: Together, a new South Africa is possible
Democratic Left Front salutes the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa special national congress
By the Democratic Left Front, South Africa
Ukraine: Russia or the European Union? Reject a choice between ‘lesser evils’
By Aleksandr Buzgalin
Egyptian revolutionary socialist: ‘We are facing a counterrevolution’

Rana Nessim and Rosemary Bechler interviewed Sameh Naguib (pictured above), a leading member of the Revolutionary Sociali