The Cuban revolution and ‘democracy’: the case of Yoani Sanchez

Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez holds up a medal presented by Mia
Latin America: Evo Morales and Nicolas Maduro defend the region’s union

By America XXI
June 11, 2013 – Links international Journal of Socialist Renewal – On May 25, Washington’s advance across the region by means of the Pacific Alliance met a counterattack in Bolivia. Bolivia’s President Evo Morales and Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro relaunched the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA), signed bilateral agreements in 14 strategic fields and denounced the new imperialist offensive against the region.
Dissent and politics: Assembling resistance in Turkey
The football supporter group "Çarşı" from Beşiktaş entering Gezi Park.
Recuperación del sueño socialista

[Haga clic aquí para más artículos en español.]
Por Federico Fuentes
01/06/13 -- America XXI -- El surgimiento del socialismo del siglo XXI está vinculado a Hugo Chávez más que a cualquier otra figura. En los primeros años de este siglo, con el mundo enfocado en las guerras de Estados Unidos en Irak y Afganistán, el socialismo aparecía moribundo, como una reliquia política del pasado relegada a la isla de Cuba.
Latvia: Left bloc gets 59% in municipal elections
June 9, 2013 – Webguerrillero
Australia: How should a united socialist party work?

[This is a slightly edited text of a presentation made by Dave Holmes at the “Organising for 21st century socialism” semi
Ration consumption or ration production?

Review by Don Fitz
Any Way You Slice It: The Past, Present and Future of Rationing
By Stan Cox
The New Press, 2013
Witness a people’s revolution in the making! Join the 2013 solidarity brigade to Venezuela
June 4, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Registrations are now open for
Transiciones turbulentas en América Latina
Latin America's Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First Century Socialism
Por Roger Burbach, Michael Fox & Federico Fuentes
Zed Books, 2013.
[English at Haga clic aquí para más artículos en español.]
Por Richard Fidler
New Zealand: Socialists plan fight back

By Liam Flenedy
June 19. 2013 -- Green Left Weekly -- More than 50 people gathered in the Newtown Community and Cultural Centre in Wellington on May 31 and June 1, 2013, for the annual conference of the socialist organisation Fightback.
The sessions were filled with lively and respectful debate across a number of different perspectives within the left on national and international issues.
Fightback 2013 featured speakers from Fightback, the International Socialist Organisation (Aotearoa), the Socialist Party of Australia and the Australian Socialist Alliance.
The first panel session “Global context: Crisis, Imperialism, Fightback” set the tone for the conference — all speakers noting that the global capitalist system is still deeply in crisis and that the working class is being made to pay for it.
Discussion centred on the resistance to austerity in Europe and the rise of left parties such as SYRIZA.
Another key theme was the state of the Australian and New Zealand economies now that the Australian mining boom seems to be waning.