Denmark: Right-wing government defeated, Red-Green Alliance triples seats

Prime Minister-elect Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
By Inger V. Johansen and Line Barfod
September 20, 2011 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal --The result of the September 15 parliamentary elections in Denmark means that the right-wing government of the last 10 years has finally been ousted. A new government will be formed under the leadership of Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the leader of the Social Democrats. The core parties of this government will be the Social Democrats and the Socialist People's Party (SPP), who for some years have formed a close partnership with the aim of strengthening the possibilities for an alternative government.
For the first time a woman will be the prime minister of a Danish government. For the first time SPP will be in government.
Martin Hart-Landsberg: Troubling economic trends for US workers

By Martin Hart-Landsberg
Spain: 'Hot' autumn of protest brews

Protest in Madrid against austerity and constitutional changes, September 6.
By Dick Nichols, Barcelona
September 11, 2011 -- Green Left Weekly/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- In Spain the signs are unmistakable: a “hot autumn” of political and social conflict is brewing in the run-up to the November 20, 2011, general election. Polling night will reveal how much the growing social resistance, brought onto the streets since May largely by the 15-M movement of “indignants”, has shaken up the political scene.
As things stand, the most likely result is a repeat of the wipe-out suffered by the governing social-democratic Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) at the May elections for local council and regional governments (known as “autonomous communities”).\
A September 7 the Barometro Cope opinion poll has the right-wing opposition Popular Party (PP) winning 45.1% of the vote and 51.1% of seats.It would trounce the PSOE, which is widely blamed for Spain’s 5 million unemployed. The poll shows the PSOE would win only 31.1% of votes and 36.6% of seats.
US rulers turned 9/11 outrage into blank cheque for endless war

By Rupen Savoulian
Thailand: Why aren’t the generals in jail?

Thai soldier during the September 19, 2006, coup sports the monarchy's colour, yellow.
By Giles Ji Ungpakorn
Sudan: Secret police target Communist Party press

September 15, 2011 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists
Dateline Egypt: Everything up for grabs in ongoing revolt

On September 9, a huge protest took place outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo. The protest was driven by anger at Israel's killing of Egyptian police in August, the deep solidarity the Egyptian people feel towards Palestinians and frustrations at the slow pace of change.
By Raul Bassi, Cairo
September 11, 2011 -- Green Left Weekly -- After the overthrow of Egypt's dictator Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, a new chapter in Egyptian history is being written and its authors are the people themselves. Anything could happen and everything is up for grabs given the profound political, social and economic crisis in which Egypt's neoliberal system finds itself in.
These events are part of the broader process of revolutions sweeping the Arab world, but Egypt's future will in no small part be influenced by the characteristics and history that make the country what it is today.
The results of neoliberalism in Egypt are clear: poverty, misery and daily struggles to survive.
See also:
Cairo eyewitness: Fresh protests demand real change
Thailand: Free Somyot Prueksakasemsuk!

September 17, 2011 – Australia Asia Worker Links reports that jailed trade union activist
Venezuela: Communes in Caracas

Concrete block production by the Ezequiel Zamora Commune, Antimano, Caracas.
September 7, 2011 -- Cuidad CSS, translated by Owen Richards for Venezuela: Translating the Revolution. Posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission -- Among the aims of community organisation is that of building the communal state, where power is exercised directly by the people, through self-government, with an economic model of social property and local self-development.
Based on this premise, 236 communes and more than 9000 communal councils have been established, according to information from the Ministry of Popular Power for the Communes.
Through this process the city of Caracas has turned into a space full of examples of self-government.
Socioeconomic model
In the Capital District around 44 sectors exist that are in the process of building communes in order to lay the foundations for Venezuelan socialism.
In the Antimano ward, 18 communal councils of the Carapita sector and part of Santa Ana organised to establish the Victoria Socialist Commune.
Palestine: Ilan Pappe -- At the UN, the funeral of the two-state solution

By Ilan Pappe
September 12, 2011 -- Electronic Intifada -- We are all going to be invited to the funeral of the two-state solution if and when the UN General Assembly announces the acceptance of Palestine as a member state.
The support of the vast majority of the organisation’s members would complete a cycle that began in 1967 and which granted the ill-advised two-state solution the backing of every powerful and less powerful actor on the international and regional stages.
Even inside Israel, the support engulfed eventually the right as well as the left and centre of Zionist politics. And yet despite the previous and future support, everybody inside and outside Palestine seems to concede that the occupation will continue and that even in the best of all scenarios, there will be a greater and racist Israel next to a fragmented and useless bantustan.
Pakistan: Arrested, tortured for assisting climate change victims

Baba Jan speaking at a demonstration for the flood affected earlier this year.