South Africa: One million climate jobs: A just transition to a low carbon economy to combat unemployment and climate change

December 28, 2011 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – South Africa's Million Climate Jobs Campaign has released a new booklet describing how
the transformation of the economy to one that protects people and the environment, can confront two of South Africa’s biggest threats: climate change and unemployment. The Million Climate Jobs Campaign presents tangible solutions to the ecological and economic crises, and calls on the South African government to create jobs in combating climate change. Authentic, meaningful solutions to climate change offer vast opportunities for decent work in a new
low-carbon economy.
The Million Climate Jobs Campaign is a research and advocacy project developed jointly by more than
40 key components of the labour and social movements and other civil society formations which
recognise the merit of simultaneously addressing unemployment and climate change.
It is coordinated by the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), which initiated
the project in March 2011. The project works from the premise that a just transition to a low carbon
economy provides opportunities both to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the
quality of life of South Africans through reducing localised pollution and providing decent job and
skills development opportunities. Such a transition provides extensive opportunities to create more than a
a million jobs – if driven by the state and its agencies.
1. (Environment)
2. Abahlahi baseMjondolo (Social)
3. Africa Centre for Biodiversity (Environment)
4. Alternative Information and Development Centre (Social)
5. Civil Society Research and Support Collective (Social)
6. Congress of South African Trade Unions (Labour)
7. Cooporative and Policy Alternative Centre (Social)
8. Democratic Left Front (Social)
9. Earthlife Africa Cape Town (Environment)
10. Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (Environment)
11. Environmental Monitoring Group (Environment)
12. Farmer Support Group UKZN (Social)
13. Food and Allied Workers Union (Labour)
14. Geasphere (Environment)
15. GroundWork (Environment)
16. Institute for Zero Waste (Environment)
17. International Alliance on Natural Resources in Africa (Environment)
18. National Council of Trade Unions (Labour)
19. National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Labour)
20. National Union of Mineworkers (Labour)
21. New Women’s Movement (Social)
22. Oxfam Australia (Environment)
23. Progressive Youth Movement (Social)
24. Public and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (Labour)
25. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Social)
26. Rural People’s Movement (Social)
27. South African Municipal Workers’ Union (Labour)
28. South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (Labour)
29. South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (Environment)
30. Southern African Faith Communities Environmental Initiative (Environment)
31. Trust for Community Outreach and Education (Social)
32. Umphilo waManzi (Social)
33. University of Glasgow (Social)
34. University of Cape Town (Social)
35. University of KwaZulu-Natal: Farmer Support Group (Social)
36. University of Stellenbosch: Sustainability Institute (Environment)
37. University of Witwatersrand: School of Economics and Business Sciences (Social)
38. University of Witwatersrand: Society, Work and Development (Social)
39. WWF (Environment)
40. Youth Agricultural Ambassadors (Social)