New book: `Thailand’s Crisis and the Fight for Democracy'

UPDATE by Giles Ji Ungpakorn
January 18, 2011 -- After struggling to read my book for more than a year, the Thai police have finally banned Thailand's Crisis and the fight for Democracy. No one is allowed to import it. But I have nearly sold out! What is even more amusing is that there is a Thai version which is available on the internet to download for free.
Anyone who wants a copy of the Thai version can just e-mail me at, or read or download at
You can also read excerpt's from Thailand's Crisis and the fight for Democracy at ("Behind Bangkok's war in southern Thailand") and ("Class and Politics in Thailand).
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İsrail’in Gazze’ye yardım gemisine saldırısını lanetliyoruz!
Avustralya İsrail ile var olan ilişkilerini kesmelidir
Socialist Alliance bildirisi 3 Haziran 2010
1985 yılında Fransız Gizli Servisi’nin Auckland Limanı’nda Rainbow Warrior’u bombalamasından bu yana bir devlet tarafından böylesine utanmaz bir uluslararası korsanlık örneğine rastlanmamıştı.
2010 World Cup: Africa's turn or turning on Africa? A political economy of FIFA's African adventure
PowerPoint slideshow by Patrick Bond.
[See also South Africa: Will the World Cup party be worth the hangover? by Patrick Bond.]
By Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed
[This article first appeared at Soccer & Society, volume 11, issue 1 & 2, January 2010.]
`People's Daily' columnist -- `Time to defend Chinese workers' rights'

By Li Hong
June 7, 2010 -- People's Daily -- Wherever exists exploitation and suppression, rebellion erupts. If the exploited are a majority of the society, the revolt draws even nearer and comes with a louder bout. For the past 30 years witnessing China's meteoric rise, multinationals and upstart home tycoons have rammed up their wealth making use of China's favourable economic policies as well as oversight loopholes. In sharp contrast, tens of millions of Chinese blue-collar workers who have genuinely generated the wealth and created the prosperity have been left far behind.
Malaysia: PSM congress debates relationship with opposition Pakatan Rakyat
June 9, 2010 -- The Socialist Party of Malaysia's 12th Congress was held in Kuala Lumpur on June 5-6, 2010. Three hundred delegates from nine states, and allied organisationd and grassroots committees, attended. The congress was officiated by the PSM’s national chairperson Comrade Nasir Hashim. Three papers were presented on the environmental crisis facing the world, leadership transition in PSM and the Malaysian governments economic policies. Resolutions (see below) were debated on the second day touching on idelogical questions, local government elections and the PSM's relationship with the opposition Pakatan Rakyat.
PSM's 12th Congress resolutions
Video: David Harvey -- `The crises of capitalism'
On April 26, 2010, Marxist geographer professor David Harvey spoke to the the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) to explain how capitalism came to dominate the world and why it resulted in the current financial crisis. He asks: is it time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order?
Taking a long view of the current crisis, Professor Harvey exposes the follies of the international financial system, looking closely at the nature of capitalism, how it works and why sometimes it doesn’t.
Angola: From liberation to `capitalismo selvagen'

[The following article first appeared in AfricaFile's At Issue Ezine, vol. 12 (May-October 2010), edited by John S. Saul, which examines the development of the southern African liberation movement-led countries. It has been posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission.]
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By David Sogge

Palestinian trade union movement calls on international dockworkers' unions to block loading/offloading Israeli ships until Israel complies fully with international law and ends its illegal siege of Gaza
By the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee, Palestine
June 7, 2010 -- The Palestinian trade union movement, as a key constituent member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) calls on dockworkers' unions worldwide to block Israeli maritime trade in response to Israel’s massacre of humanitarian relief workers and activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla, until Israel complies with international law and ends its illegal blockade of Gaza.
Greece: At the forefront of Europe's class struggle

By Dimitris Fasfalis
June 7, 2010 -- Socialist Voice -- Workers in Greece today stand in the forefront of the converging European class struggles against big capital’s attempt to make working people pay the costs of its crisis.