apartheid south africa israel

Africa’s role in Palestinian liberation: An interview with Salim Vally

Salim Vally discusses Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza and the relationship between Palestinian liberation and Africa.
Egyptian with Palestinian flag

From Palestine to Tahrir Square: What Egyptians owe Palestinians

Hossam el-Hamalawy — Since the start of Israel’s latest assault on Gaza, many are wondering why Cairo is effectively supporting Israel’s genocidal war.
gaza window

Gaza: A ghastly window into the crisis of global capitalism

William I Robinson & Hoai-An Nguyen — As the world watches in horror, the carnage in Gaza gives us a ghastly window into the rapidly escalating crisis of global capitalism.

ecuador crisis

Ecuador on the brink of the abyss

Revolutionary Movement of Workers — An immense wave of violence has been unleashed throughout the country. Ecuador is going through a moment of very deep crisis, perhaps the most serious in its history.

Brazil: Slow motion Lulismo

André Singer & Fernando Rugitsky — One year after Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s return to power, it is possible to make a preliminary assessment of his governing strategy.

Central Eastern European Green Left Alliance formed (plus founding statement)

The recently formed Central Eastern European Green Left Alliance includes political parties and civil society organisations that advocate for a just, left-wing and social Europe, as well as corresponding policies in their countries.
Lukács and Dunayevskaya

Two dialectical anniversaries: Lukács and Dunayevskaya

Kevin B. Anderson — 2023 marked the 100th anniversary of Georg Lukács’s ‘History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics’ and the 50th anniversary of Raya Dunayevskaya’s ‘Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre and from Marx to Mao’.
seocnd pink tide

Álvaro García Linera: ‘We face a period of short-lived popular and conservative victories and defeats’

Álvaro García Linera argues that to defeat the extreme right, the left must pursue greater wealth redistribution, not moderation or conciliation.
ecological crisis

Neoimperialism, ecological crisis and the fight for a new internationalism: An interview with Pedro Fuentes

Pedro Fuentes discusses imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and "accumulation by dispossession", the unpredictability of contemporary politics and the need for a new internationalism.

Priming the Philippines for a ‘globalized NATO’

Rasti Delizo critically examines the foreign policy of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and its role in a globalized NATO which seeks to expand to the Asia-Pacific region in its imperial contest with China.
Israel bombing Gaza

Israel’s war on Gaza: Yes, it’s a genocide

Colton Campbell — The ongoing suffering in Gaza invoke a sense of urgency in labeling the situation for what it is, and for prompt investigation and adjudication, rather than waiting for a tragic culmination.